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OHAI friends. I know I promised this ages ago, but...well, let's just say time got away from me hah. But hey, better late than never!

Another reminder that I'll be on holiday between the 15th-30th. I'm going back to my Home and Native Land 🇨🇦 to see some friends and I am both nervous and excited! Anxious in a good way, if that makes sense. I just hope that the weather cooperates...on both sides of the pond.

Speaking of pond, here are FOUR marine-themed colouring sheets for you to print and colour in while I'm away! I painted the two above on stream using watercolour, but of course you're welcome to use whatever you'd like. Colouring really does provide a bit of a nice escape from busy lives sometimes, so I hope you can find some calmness from these.

Oh, and no judgement here if you sing "Under the Sea" the entire time. I totally did. 🦀



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