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Hi Everyone--

I've returned from my short break and I'm back at my desk. Lots for me to get through this week, but first I wanted to make a bit more progress on the Urtha TF (With thanks to BTX). 

Also! As I'm sure you have by now noticed, Disney + released a full trailer for the new She Hulk series. Some thoughts:

I have to say, I have felt very anxious about this from the moment it was announced. Obviously, if you told me twenty-odd years ago there would one day be a live action She-Hulk series, I would have been floored. This is really everything I've ever wanted! And there's the problem--the object of your desires is never going to live up to the version of it in your head. I think I immediately tried to make peace with that the moment the show was announced. What I also made peace with is that Disney are categorically not--not ever-- going to be in the business of making fap material for FMG/TF enthusiasts, and nor should they. This isn't the nineties-- nobody is going to make a show with a female protagonist who is there to be a sex object, Disney least of all. And even if they did! An ACTUAL She-Hulk porno was made, and it was about as erotic as a wet cardboard box. So with that in mind, I kind of decided to.... I don't want to say 'not get my hopes up', because that sounds unfair on the kind of show the producers are trying to make. I think the way I would put it is that I resolved not to place expectations of this thing that it was vanishingly unlikely to fulfil. 

Now, having said that-- the thing that took me aback from the trailer was how TF-y it is! This two-minute trailer contains better process material than most anything I've seen on the web in twenty plus years. I LOVE that shot of Jen looking nervous...shuddering...her skin and eyes turning green and then the switch to her distorted reflection getting bigger on the side of (what I presume is) a crashed car. That foot tf-- WOW! wowwowwow... I wouldn't have expected anything that good. There even looks like there's gonna be a hulk-out in a courtroom which is a rock-solid baseline She-Hulk TF fantasy trope. I think we can all accept that we're not going to see inflating breasts bursting out of shirts, or close ups of a skirt ripping apart as muscular thighs grow through them, so what I see here is my cup runnething over, frankly!

I think Tatiana Maslany is great-- I really get a feel for her as both Jen and She-Hulk. The CGI has been remarked upon by many, and while I agree there is something a bit jarring about it, I'm not going to be too critical here. I think the thing to remember is just how ambitious this is for a TV show to achieve-- it's 9 episodes where the lead characters are fully animated CGI sprites. I doubt the budget is as high as it would be for an Avengers movie, so honestly? I was already not expecting anything ground breaking here. As for body type-- again, I'm not going to obsess over this. She looks fine to me-- perhaps not the way I would draw SH, but she still looks muscular IMHO. 

I'll be back with part 2 of my thoughts on this!




Well....I doubt that the Gunman is going to miss his next shot....Amber seems to be presenting a much...bigger...target with each second that passes,then again we can't hold it against the guy since his attention is likely diverted towards...other things than aiming... And yes,it is quite a crazy idea to think that an actual She-Hulk series has come to pass.You're also quite right that such things rarely(if ever) live up to your expectations of them.But I won't deny that the trailer even gave a skeptic such as myself a glimmer of hope so we shall see what the whole show brings us.Hopefully at least a few good transformations and some good story and even if not,it's nice to see She-Hulk simply getting some much deserved and overdue attention at last.

Brian Thomas

Regarding She Hulk… you’re right Disney would never do FAP She Hulk…. But Luisa from Encanto would like to have a word…

James Winfield

The foot tf was the biggest surprise for me and it’s probably my favorite part of the trailer! The way they show her feet expand before the flawlessly erupt. Her feet moving slightly as they turn green! There were other shots in the trailer showing her barefoot so I hope there is more but I won’t be mad if that’s the only foot tf. I imagine this show will be funnier than the other marvel shows because she hulk is a comedic character at her core. That’s what excites me the most!


Good to see a positive take on the She Hulk trailer, the talk about the CGI is exhausting, while I agree it looks off in some scenes I think people need to remember stuff like that is always being worked on till the last minute + Hulks CGI model continued to improve with each appearance, I wouldn't be shocked if it was the same for She Hulk.


Also I appreciate Disney looking out for the feet TF guys😤


Ok Manic, then you have to start animating your own She-Hulk videos so that we can have YOUR version of a She-Hulk series 😁

Nick A.

ayyy hope you and your family had a fantastic holiday, and reading your thoughts on the Sh series was good. I myself am excited the only grip I have is just the CGI and I hoped that it'd tweaked a bit prior to its August release.


Oh if you have all of this, your Animated Series would be mindblowing and definitive NSFW. 🥳🥳


I still have fingers crossed the show will be somewhat decent. That foot tf was a major shock and awesome surprise. Lol maybe someone in Disney wanted to make sure to add something like that. But hey, im sure if they’re other transformations im show, maybe Manic could do his own version of those sequences? 😜


Oh man... My inbox is going to be crazy with requests after this thing drops!