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I guess I should do an update before I forget with the time I have.

Instead of making the clothes short, I've decided to try something very experimental. Joan recently updated Bonesframework to support additional colliders on the character. So my plan is to use this to make a "floor" so the clothes doesn't fall through the floor.

If that doesn't work, I can always provide another studio item with a box collider, but I haven't tested making other colliders yet. Joan says it's possible, but no one seems to be taking the initiative.

So, sword maiden's dress will now be much longer so it drapes on the floor.
The blue bands that were attached to two gown portions was messed up, so they're going to be remade.
Shoes are in progress. I can't decide if I should go for short or long bands. It's shown as long in the concept art, but short pretty much everywhere else.

I'm not sure when I'll get to detailing and texturing.

Until next time.




Long!! Thank you as always~