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Much improved - a few bad NPC meshes were causing the huge spike in storage and poor performance. It's still a bit heavy because of the number of unique NPCs all fighting each other. I'll try to release a build without everyone shooting each other in a few days. The build time is drastically reduced after I nixed a few NPCs with mesh issues - wish I could narrow down permanent fixes for that aside from getting rid of one of my creations :(

Controls and notes:

Right click - scope

Mouse wheel - zoom in and out with scope

Left click - fire

R - reload

Shift - I *think* set to run, might be disabled and can't check at the moment

To reload the level run to the door at the end of the hallway (opposite of your starting area), there is no loading screen, it will take a second and then reload at the start.

Alt-F4 is still the exit as it keeps getting triaged to the back of the line of things to do.



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