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Two days ago I spent money I really didn't have on a backup drive to store daily backups of the working project. I had started to get paranoid due to the amount of time I put in to this so far. 

Yesterday, my main project drive failed completely...

S always yelled at me for using JBOD (just a bunch of disks, no redundancy) and my refusal to spend money on storage I didn't get to use (backup and RAID stuff). I will NEVER balk at buying redundant storage again.

Holy crap.


Best $200 dollars spent in a long time and the project is fine. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go puke now.  Maybe twice. 



S is, and always has been, fucking adorable. That Acronym is amazing. Thank them. They are right.


Yeah, never going to hear the end of this. That, or my spaghetti-code and organization causing the recovery to take forever and cause a ton of errors. We won't tell either of them about that. Our little secret.