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The first 5 of the Lux Syndicate gang are prepped and I'm now going to move on to the next stage of prep so I can make sure the 10 current characters will play well together. I've also put in a way to cull anything the camera isn't currently looking at to improve performance (clear it from processing, therefor upping framerate). I'm doing it as right as I can this time so I don't have to go back and rebuild or work in a pile of unused assets causing the whole project to drag. Unfortunately that means slow, BUT awesome :D




Total babes! <3


"Cull anything" Yes, isn't that what bullets are for? ;)


:D I'm trying to make sure none of them are just 'extras' and all have actual character as well as things that set them apart. Hopefully I'll succeed through MANY characters that were never part of our RP campaign.