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Fritz concludes his two-part study on the superfascist Catholic organization Tradition, Family, and Property, narrating the rise of the TFP in the US and their pretty "suspicious" educational program.

This is The Empire Never Ended, the Antifascist Amerikanski-Balkan podcast about (neo) fascist terror, the (deep) state and the alienation, nihilism and desperation produced by the capitalist system. And how to get rid of all that. Something like that...

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I somehow never get bored with hearing about trad caths? Probably another side effect of growing up a polish catholic ugh


What's funny is that in the 1800's traditionalists thought that the waltz was degenerate. People holding each other in their arms and twirling that's basically public fornication. The only proper dancing is medieval courtly dances were the men and women stand in lines opposite each other and play slow and methodical paddycake