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TENE reviews and unpacks the film State of Siege (1972), directed by Costa-Gavras and co-written by Franco Solinas (Battle of Algiers) which closely follows the true story of the abduction and execution of FBI and USAID agent Dan Mitrione in Uruguay by the revolutionary guerrilla group, the Tupamaros.

This is The Empire Never Ended, the Antifascist Amerikanski-Balkan podcast about (neo) fascist terror, the (deep) state and the alienation, nihilism and desperation produced by the capitalist system. And how to get rid of all that. Something like that...

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Have you got anything to read on Yugoslavia being unenthused about international 'Titoist' groups?

The Empire Never Ended Podcast

I can't think of anything at the moment. Yugoslav leadership decided to develop their international political relations through the non-aligned movement, instead of sponsoring some kind of a titoist international. There is a new book on the non-aligned movement and yugoslavia, edited by Paul Stubbs, maybe there is something there relevant to your question...


Have you heard of Abraham Guillen? Look up the philosophy of the urban guerilla on archive for a very interesting back story of the Tupamoros