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I'm always taking feedback for how I have things set up here and on YouTube. I never want y'all to just stop watching/cancel your sub here because of something that can most likely be changed. I got feedback from someone recently, as you know, about the setup of the full reactions and changed it to be a better format because I saw how much better it was; I didn't notice that my old setup wasn't ideal UNTIL they pointed that out, which I'm very grateful for.

So please, always let me know, because I'd hate to lose any of you due to something that could be potentially fixed! I already know I've lost people because of the old format, but unfortunately they never said a word about it to me, probably because they thought I wouldn't change anything but I really would at the very least, consider it/tweak it and see what I could do!

Not blaming anybody at all! I'm just a people pleaser I suppose, so knowing that I haven't pleased some people is disheartening and I take it too personally because I'm always wanting to do better. But I can't please everyone!

But yeah, long story short; feedback is always appreciated!!



You are doing great!


I also think you're doing great, but I do have a suggestion. Right now, your full reaction file sizes are quite large, the free program "Handbrake" can make the file size smaller without sacrificing quality. Just something to consider :)


Ooo… I had no idea! I’ll definitely have to look into that! Thanks so much for the suggestion!