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Hey everyone!

Quick update on what I'm workin' on at the moment; with the movement system improved now and things looking a bit more stable mechanically I've been free to start building on what I've already got, which is a nice change of pace from making the initial construction!

Which means, as you can see, I'm adding in Combo attacks! This is part of my wider idea to improve the combat of the game and make it actually fun; I don't think I'm good enough yet at that to really nail it but I've been working on the first combo code and bar a couple of annoying gripes I've gotten it to work pretty darn well I'd say! I'll put it in the next update for people to see but it probably won't be perfect then, as with anything on here; the main problem I have with it currently is the combo works just fine, 3 seperate attacks triggered by consecutive button presses, but I've not yet pondered my way into working out how to space those attacks out so they dont' just initiate as soon as you press the button xD

There are several needlessly complicated ways to do this but I want something elegant; thankfully it isn't game breaking, I assume most people use the Kick for now with it being the heavier attack, certainly what I use in debugging xD

The Kick will be getting a combo of sorts ,though being a heavier attack it will take a while to swing properly; makes sense right? Other things I'm planning to include will be a sprinting barge to knock an enemy down or stun them in some way, an aerial attack for both punching and kicking, that pipe you may have seen in some of the artwork and other non-lethal weaponry, and even a ranged weapon or two for the later levels with hard to hit enemies of the flying persuasion ;)

In other news, level design is the bigger change people will notice when the next update pops up; what you'll have to do now is go and get the red keycard from the bottom, open up to the second floor and go to be bar, at which point the pig will let you out through the employee hallway and get you to a further point in the level that is now blocked off at the bottom by explosion debris!

Depending on how things work out I might end up doing the whole level's layout and populate it with the enemies I plan to add after the fact, or I might get on with animating those enemies before I plan rooms for them; what's everyone think? Both will take time of course, but both will get done either way ^^

Oh, a preview of the second female enemy for those that haven't seen before:


She'll be popping up some time soon ^^ I'll also be working on the second male enemy once I decide on the final design! 

Hope that's informative for everyone, I'm not entirely used to this process yet but do let me know if anyone has questions or suggestions! 



Are you planning on having enemy combo animations down the line? Eg one enemy grabs the player, then a second one wanders over to 'help'?


Oh sorry Julia! Yes definitely I will, I plan to have a couple like that even, that's a mechanic I very much enjoy myself ^^ They'll all be able to work independently of each other too!