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Hey again everyone!

So the hotfix is up, check the last post if you hadn't seen, and I realsied that I'd been uploading some stuff to FA that I could upload here too; I'm going to be fleshing out the moments leading up to where the game starts with illustrations that will eventually appear in the intro cutscene type thing; so without further ado here's a low-effort copy paste job from yours truly ;)


The dance floor was packed tonight; Saturday at 'Chemistry' as it was  known was a popular hangout downtown for anyone who wanted some cheap  drinks and hearing loss, and tonight was especially alluring; the  following Monday was what had come to be known as 'detox day' in the  City; the first Monday of every month was a scheduled break from the  grind of work to be visited by our friends in the Q.R.D who will, free  of charge no less, hand out and administer inoculations for all  inhabitants. These wonderful shots give everything a body could need for  optimal functioning in a society of a thousand species, and most  importantly is designed to prevent any cross-contamination of diseases.  As a consequence, the prior weekend is seen as something of a blowout  for party minded individuals, whose strung out, hung over forms would  transform like magic into capable workers within hours of this wonder  drug. And that is precisely what Amber and her two friends intended to  do.

Sara and Amber had been living as room-mates for quite some time and  friends long before that, meeting first in elementary school and never  quite separating since; being quite a hot-tempered Wolf, Amber was at  first irritated by, then eventually fascinated in, and finally  inseparable from Sara's quiet, soft-spoken demeanour and level thinking  in the most dire situations. If one can call missing a bus dire, which  Amber often would in more colourful terms before the Rabbit calmed her  down. At the bar currently was their newer but no less close friend  Adrian, a Fox who had grown up across town from the both of them but  found himself working with Amber when she'd found the coffee  establishment near his home and near refused to leave until she was  allowed to wear an apron. Later that year she even applied for the job,  much to his surprise.

Tonight was to be free of work however, unless one counted the subway  ride home, and as the two danced and grooved about their allotted space  on the floor, occasionally giving a gentle push to the wild-eyed dancers  that appeared from the dry ice who became too interested in helping  either one with their dance moves, all seemed right with the world;  Amber was a particular lover of detox days and would often make attempts  to wear herself out even more than usual in her wildly uncoordinated  dancing, just to make the effect of the medicine that much more  pronounced the following day. Though she hasn't taken the time to test  that such a theory is correct, between her mental fortitude and love of  clubbing she wasn't going to think too carefully about it.

Sara gyrated about with glass in hand, some luminous liquid that tasted  of sherbet and continued to make your mouth glow for a few minutes after  drinking, and grinned at her room-mate; despite the many canine and  other eyes flitting their way across to her friend she didn't seem  bothered in the slightest, even when the poor aforementioned bastards  attempted some kind of shouting, foul-breathed chat up line; this  happened twice in the song playing alone, and both times a casual shake  of the head and a smile seemed to be enough to get them to take the  hint;  Amber was indeed something to behold, especially in her choice of  dress for the evening's entertainment, but even if it wasn't known to  most that Wolves can get pretty fierce when threatened in any way it was  certainly clear from Amber's confidence and movements that any problems  would soon be resolved.

“HEY!” Sara shouted to her friend, cupping a hand around her mouth; Amber tilted her head and smiled.
“WHAT!?” She screamed. Sara pointed toward the bar and nodded her head  in that direction, where Adrian could be seen playing with his phone,  three markedly different drinks sat beside him. Amber's eyes lit up as  she understood and ploughed through the crowd in a surprisingly graceful  show of speed, grabbing Sara's wrist and hauling her through the  throngs of dancers like a plum-bob attached to a fishing line.  


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