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Howdy everyone,

Sephra here, bit of an interim post just to apologize for not having the big flashy update thing here as quick as planned; as usual things started happening, work led to more work and we ended up releasing it on the Discord first so we could see what people thought on a smaller scale; we hope to have something up soon with all the more tweaks and fixes. Tib has more to say on the subject so here:


Hey everyone! A quick side note from me, Tib! A few of you might have noticed that I finally started using one of the beta channels again! More specifically, I will start using the "frequent-changelogs" channel to ramble about what I'm currently doing and working on, as well as give proper changelogs about what was changed or what I fixed! So if you're interested in following the development more closely, especially now that I'll only be working on one thing at a time until I'm happy with that something, feel free to join our discord server, and if you're a supporter of ours, I'll be writing a bunch of things in there, and you are more than welcome to discuss those in the "test-discussion" channel! Please note that these channels will only appear if you're either a bug tester, or you support us! Thank you so much for all the support again! <3


While this extra work was happening, as an example of why these things sometimes get delayed, we had this idea:

This here is the interior of the save station, and the plan is we have this as the save screen itself; the station will also heal Amber up and provide her with a refill on medical aid, and I'm currently working on the healing animation; don't worry, anybody with trypanophobia (yes, I googled it) it won't involve that!

However I think you'd agree this perspective offers some unique possibilities as far as further animations go; some maybe contain traps, or other hazards only made more perilous by the addition of a saucy POV shot.

Oh and because I showed you the WIP earlier here's the exterior shot of the Schottmeister station finished:

That'll be it from me for now, stay tuned etc and don't forget to check out the Discord for those more frequent updates too!

  • S & T


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