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Howdy all,

Sephra again with an update for you, this time hopefully with the video actually in the post itself rather than being an attachment like last time; and one that brings a nice bit of progress too!


So what you are (hopefully) seeing above is the introduction of the enemy AI and the combat system!

Tib's been working for a while on making an AI system for the enemies, by far the most complicated part of the code so far but now, alongside the movement system where they can jump over stuff and pursue Amber, we've now got them able to throw punches too, as well as take them; this is of course just the first test of the system all working together, plenty more stuff to come in terms of the combat and tweaking things so it's a fun experience, but the main thing is we're now able to tweak the existing, working system rather than be building it.

Meanwhile the animating continues, what with the reworking of the combat we figured giving Amber a charge attack would be a nice simple addition to things, doesn't require a button combo but gives some more variety to how you can biff people, and though it's been causing me pain I have been nearing a conclusion with it:

Not quite there but enough that you get the idea of what I'm going for, at least; we've also been looking at the save/checkpoint system and how we're going to be putting that in, which means now we can use the save station I designed many moons ago so I've been starting Amber's interaction animation with that too:

So that'll be nice, when it's finished anyway; conversations with a friend have also opened the idea of these things having several versions, some of which perhaps not so friendly in a variety of ways... or of course too friendly, as the case may be!

Anyway, I will sign off here and carry on with the above, and watch out in the next couple weeks for a version you can test out, if you can bring yourself to punch dear old Goldie that is.

EDIT: Forgot to say goodbye!



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