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Wanted to ask you all what sort of stuff are you playing?
So I have more idea what sort of stuff to sculpt for you guys

You can vote multiple times on this poll (I'll make sure I click the right button this time to allow multiple votes)

I've added a few wargames and RPGs that I like, but please feel free to write in the comments if there are other games you would like to see stuff sculpted for 



I am mostly playing the different game systems of the 'One Page Rules' universe these days. Like 'Grimdark Future' and 'Grimdark Future Firefight', but also 'Age of Fantasy' and 'Age of Fantasy Skirmish', as you can use any models you want or have on your shelves. For example I am using your Halfling models for Age of Fantasy and it makes a lot of fun! 😊 ... P.S. Deadzone, Firefight and Modulorka are also on my playlist sometimes and Space Station Zero or Reign in Hell.

Stephen B.

Not the same as what I'm interested in trying or what I print miniatures for! Zone Alpha is a big print and play in our house. Funky sculpts to print could interest me in "In Her Majesty's Name"


Primarily a merchant, but also a hardcore 40k player. To speak for that group, I really like models that are "inspired by" the GW minis without being outright clones. I really like how you have treated the little guys like Nurglings-- (re-)imagined and so cute! When I consider proxies, I'd always rather have something with the sculptor's style in it than something that looks just like it was a recast. It's a lot more rewarding to paint, too. But that's just my $2.00 :)


I play games like Ironclaw, Jadeclaw, Ryuutama, and some of my own weird homebrew that tends towards the Super Dungeon line in aesthetics. Think Super Dungeon meets... Harry Potter? Magic-heavy, anyways. Maybe more like Super Dungeon meets Ars Magica. And, the occasional WH40K, but overall I'm that guy who ALWAYS votes for your anthros if they're an option. 😝

David Ammann

I’m playing none of the above; my group plays GURPS and sometimes Fate.




One Page Rules and 5 Parsecs From Home as far as rule sets not mentioned above. But I use minis in the same manner as options above.

Mark Stone

OnePageRules is my main game but I have printed lists for Fantasy Rules! and Armies of Arcana as well. Kings of War had also been on my table when cousins come to visit.


One Page Rules is my go to, but I am also working on building a proxy Age of Sigmar Stormcast army.... slowly xD


Also starting up some Shadowrun in the near future.


Mordheim, Kill Team, Necromunda, Kings of War, those are my top games right now!


Playing Mordheim, warhammer fantacy rpg. Starwars and 9th age


Some stuff for mythological/historical games like 'Of Gods and Mortals' would be nice (gods, monsters like cyclopses, harpies, sphinxes and units like centaurs, satyrs, valkyries, formori,...). The Greek stuff would also fit in nicely with 'Warlords of Erewhon'. more animals like boars, deers and hunting dogs would be useful. Next to that stuff for modern skirmish games like Zona Alfa or Last Days would be great. On a fantasy note multipart gnolls or barbarians would be nice (war mammoth anyone?). Some low fantasy Tolkien inspired stuff (cfr. Oathmark) would also be great. And then there is the grimdark...


Just 1 idea to add to the pile and something I've been thinking of for a while. I've want to use your mouslings as Skaven proxies (good guy Skaven). The only thing that's missing is the Skaven wamachines. 😁

Kevin Jacobi

I've been with this group for quite some time and love your choices. Even if the models don't fit into my games, I still appreciate them. I already decided on my new year resolution this year. It is to make encounter miniatures for each of the orginal D&D modules (many have been updated for 5E). Nothing brings joy to players than have the world appear on the tabletop in the middle of an adventure. Happy holidays and thanks for creating amazing models for us to share with our family/friends.


I've never played Fate, but I did pick up the rules. Looks like a really fun way of playing a rpg. City of Mist is another one which uses the story driven style of playing


I've heard a lot of people talk about Oathmark I might have to pick that up to add to the collection


... and to be honest it really is! Esp. because of his amazing and completely modular Orks, literally! The rules are easy to pick up and for free. It's a bit like Warcry regarding the rules and there will also be campaign rules in the future like in Gorkamorka. So will we see new Orks from you in the future, or maybe more Fantasy ones? 😁


I've been a "Forever DM" for over 40 years now, so I've just made my own game.

Eric Jackson

I've been playing a lot of Solo/Co-Op wargames recently. Games like Nuts!, 5 Parsecs from Home, 5 Leagues from the Borderlands, Kontraband, and Rangers of Shadowdeep.


I print your minis to play One Page Rule : Age of fantasy

Dwayne Hinton

sons of Behemat, space orcs, (all forms of) chaos, sisters


That's awesome. Are you planning on doing a kickstarter for it or anything or is it just for you and your group?


*grin* Something like that, only far more altruistic. My concern is the direction large corporations are taking the next generation of gamers, and what that overall impact will be. When we're ready do to the "Big Reveal" I'm going to be reaching out to a few folks to see if they're interested in getting on board. :-)