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So a few people have said they would like to see ranges expanded, so I thought I would do a quick poll to see what's more popular.

I've been working on expanding a few ranges already and I'm halfway though adding multipart kits to a few ranges  Rat Folk and Dwarves being a couple

So what ranges would you like to see expanded with new units, both Multipart kits and pre posed figures?



It's smart to do a survey, and it's really appreciated to ask the community! Is it possible to select more than one of the options? :)


Whilst I'm specifically a patron because of your titans, I'd personally like to see a range of heroic lion/lioness anthropomorphic warriors. Something that could stand in for figures like stormcast type miniatures.


There's quite a lot undead, human nations and dwarves out there. Demons, ratfolk and titans would be great :-)


Can I write in Mousle?

Ryder Frankle

Would pick multiple if I could. Could we also get sci fi releases like you did back in the day?


Is there an option for all of the above? 🤣

Mark Stone

It's weird to me that the best selling army for Mantic is halflinge but it's also one of the most difficult one to put together if you printing your own. You can do it if you don't mind mixing styles and kitbashing but if you do undead, goblins, orcs, etc it's all out there in matching ranges.

Michael Zabkar

More Lizardfolks, please. And Loxodons.


Since you moved away from sculpting the traditional d&d monsters like the beholders, my best sellers have been the animal folk, especially the corgi and beagle models, by a long shot!


I think it hardly surprising that I would vote for anthros. Rabbitfolk would be neat, and something that I don't really ever see are anthro horses. In the game Ironclaw, horses are a part of the noble cast. Lots of knights, paladin-like, heavy armor, big weapons. It works well. Another interesting element from Ironclaw are the Atavists. Anthros that embrace their species natural weapons and defenses, some to the point of martial arts-like skill. Not traditional martial arts, but refining the species natural combat to near-supernatural levels. There's a lot of neat ideas that can be gleaned from Ironclaw.


Oh, a multi-part fox kit that specifically targets the whole Robin Hood angle! With some other "Merry Men" designs as well. Longbows, staves, and English arming swords. Oh, and maybe some tights (manly tights).


Demons! You've got plague-types well represented, but it would be cool to see some other types as well.


Sci-fi anthropomorphic would be fun.

Michael Abraham

If I could have more than one some mongrel folk, and maybe some loxidons, rhino folk, hippo folk, gator folk, maybe more trolls , some orcs and goblins, lizard folk would be cool too

David Ammann

I’m sad to see orcs rated so low. I know there are a ton out there, but I like this style so much. Hopefully there will be a modular orc release at some point. I didn’t miss a modular orc release, did I?


Love to see a giant teranchula with a platform for goblins


Only single option? It is so hard to decide!


I just checked and I can't change the poll now its running. I should have clicked the box that lets people vote on multiple options before posting :S


I probably wont be doing any scifi bits. It seemed to be putting quite a lot of people off that I was jumping back and forth doing both fantasy and scifi


I'll have to do some more dog folk then :) I'll add in some new options when I do a multipart Kit for them


No you haven't missed the multipart orc kit 😊 it will be getting done eventually though


No problem my friend and the advantage of how it is right now, will give you more clearer results imho. So fingers crossed for more Halflings & Goblins then! 😁🤞


At least you will get from everyone that range he craves most

Christopher Boyne

To be more specific, a Bloat Demon for League of Dungeoneers. 🖖🤓👍


i'd love to see some fey/faerie folk