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Carrying on with the Cavalry expansions. Next month will see some goblin Wolf Riders :)
I know a lot of people have been requesting these cavalry units so I hope you like them

Would people like to see these come with a Multipart Kit as well like the Halflings did? 




Hell it's about time(tm)! Finally I can field Goblin cavalry of your amazing Goblin sculpts! A multipart kit would be really much appreciated indeed, for swapping heads, torsos and weapon options from your existing Goblin multipart kits! 🤩... P. S. Would it be possible to put the Halfling cavalry riders on these new wolves also btw aka changing mounts/riders? 🤔

Joshua Rosenblum

You know what would be even MORE awesome? Multi-part UNDEAD goblin cavalry! 😜

Michael Abraham

Yes, and then you could have different arm varients with cleavers, maces, bows etc 😁

Axel H

Awesome! Yes! We will need a bunch of these, so might just as well make them multipart ;)


These look great! Goblin wolf riders are one of those things that I never get tired of throwing at players. Really looking forward to getting these on the table.


I am excited for a multipart mousle cav :D


Yes, please - and if they can be made compatible with other goblin kits, all the better.


Yeah I thought people might like to swap part with the other kits :) I don't know I'll have to test them when I've finished the test prints, but I would have thought they would fit each other fine


Very Nice miniatures, Thank you so much


Do you ever plan on doing any human cavalry


Yes. I've started work on some Human Knights to go with my Menatarms :) I'll post a WIP shot of them now so you can see them