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So I did a interview with Print Your Games the other day
It was the first time I have ever done a podcast/ Youtube video. I've been asked a few times, but I've always said no or put it off because the thought of being in front of a camera has always horrified me.  So I was super nervous, but Jefferson and Christen were really lovely and broke me in gentilly.

I'll post the link above if any of you would like to watch it.
Their podcast is really good and well worth a watch if you aren't a viewer already  


Episode 40 - Tentacles, Demons, and Zombies! Interview with Duncan Shadow

A veteran of the 3d model scene, Duncan has been creating minis for years and has enough zombies, demons, and tentacle monsters to fill any game board. He Joins us tonight!


Jefferson Thacker

It was awesome having you on the show!


I feel very vindicated watching this, because I constantly refer to you (Duncan) as "The Patron God of 3D Printed Minis," and the first thing the host says is basically, "You've seen his work everywhere, and he's been one of the earliest artists on the scene."