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I asked you a little while ago if you would like to see some of my past ranges get the Multipart kit treatment and also ran a poll to see which ones you would all like to see done first.
The Town Guards won that poll so I've been working on both the Multipart kit for them as well as expanding the range.
Here are the pre posed versions of them. Big expansion to the ranged with spears, swords and shields, bows, clubs, and daggers/ short swords all being added. I'll post images of the Kit soon as well
All coming out in next months release  




Awesome! Can't wait to print some of these out for the table. Can never have too many fodder-- I mean guards.

Niels Kristensen

I love them, Duncan! I think I have mentioned it before, but the town guards are some of my favorite minis. I use the happy guards as scale refence in my shop photos, so they are close to my heart. Do you have any plans for a banner and musical instrument for the multipart set? :P


Love them


Yes :) I want to have a captain of some sort as well. Are there any musical instruments you would like to see?

Niels Kristensen

Sounds cool! I was actually just pondering what instrument would fit these guys yesterday. A lot of instruments would not quite fit a Town Guard (even as a regiment). Perhabs a big bell (the one you shake in one hand) would fit the guard theme best? Otherwise perhabs a trumpet/bugle (spelling?) :) EDIT: If people want to use these in an army like Bretonnia, they would probably prefer a horn of some sorts, but I personally like the idea of the bell.


If I do them as a Multipart kit I could do both. The bell would work well for a town Cryer look as well. Thanks for the ideas Niels