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First off there is a big announcement I have launched my MyMiniFactory tribes

It will be offering everything Patreon dose, but it will be geared to the 3d printing community. I've been really impressed with how well MMF have served the 3d printing community the fact I can send you all your files each month using their service I think has been a missive boon and makes it so much easier for you all to download your files when you want them. I'm super exited to be a part of their new adventure into the world of subscription services. If any of you would like to move over to MMF Tribes that would be great or if you would rather stay here on Patreon that is also great. I'm thankful for your support no matter what :)

Tribes is basically the same as Patreon at the moment, if and when they add more to the service etc I'll be sure to let you all know

I'm also thinking about changing up how my tiers work
This would mean splitting them into 3.   Tier 1 + 2 would be for less than the normal $10 but subscribers would only get animal folk for one and DnD figures for the other.
The $10 would stay the same and would get everything
I'm going to run a poll soon to see what you all think

and  lastly the image is of a WIP Froghemoth I'm working on.
I know a few of you wanted to see more large DnD monsters :)
I'm planning on releasing this sculpt as a 3 month subscription bonus sculpt

Love to hear all of your thoughts on everything     




Froghemoth looks great. A slightly zombified version would work great as a beast of Nurgle to go with your plague stuff.

V Verdouw-Olges

I REALLY like your new tier idea!


Froghemoth looks great! Excited about the tier idea as well, my taste is broad enough that I'd stay at tier 3, but a little bit of animal folk EVERY month is an exciting thought!

Michael Zabkar

What's the best way to transfer to Tribes? I'm at the $10 level.


Glad to see monsters in the works. I need these in different sizes far more than animal folk. Will switch to Tribes next month as I don't wish to be double billed for October.


You could cancel your Patreon sub at the end of the month and then subscribe to Tribes. I'm currently sorting out with MMF to have a special code for Patrons that will let you get a free month over on Tribes that way you could use the code to easily slide over mid month rather than have to wait until the end of the month. I post more about that when I know how it would work myself ;)

PUGDOG Enterprises, Inc.

I already joined over at MMF.... I hate to be late. Hmmmm. I thought I did... maybe it didn't go through. I'll wait a little and see.


Thanks :) I'm really excited to see what MMF do with their subscription service. It's nice to have a company that want to gear a service specifically to us 3d printers

Kevin Jacobi

Hey. I love My Mini Factory. Is it better for you if we switch over there instead of Patreon? Glad to do whatever is easiest for you.


I would say I'm super grateful for your support which ever you choose, but I think MMF are going to end up having the better service in the long run. MMF have offered the service where I can send my files out to all of you using there storage and it's made the service so much better here on Patreon, where as Patreon have never done anything for the 3d printing community.


Am currently with Patreon actually satisfied , but would also have no problems with my merchant account to move what is best for you . Ui on the mini I look forward


I'm super grateful for the support where ever you wish to support me :) I think Tribes will really pick off over the next few years, but I think a lot of the cool extra stuff will be focused towards regular supporters rather than specifically Merchant tiers. I could be wrong though as I don't know what MMF have up their sleeve