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So I am going to try out for a couple of months and see how it goes, giving away a few older months releases as a extra gift.

A few people had raised some reservations about doing this, but most people seemed to be really keen.

The image shows the very first month of my Patreon things have changed quite a lot since the early days :) 

I am happy to send out new links to people when they miss a month (as long as they were a supporter at the time) but as this is a extra free gift I wont be doing that. You will have to download the files and keep them safe as I wont be re sending them out. This is just to keep the admin time down so I can concentrate on sculpting more stuff for you all and I feel that's fair as these are just something extra I'm providing. 

Hope that all makes sense if you have any thought or questions I always love to hear from you all :)  




It would be awesome to get some of these older items as a bonus, because, while I've been supporting you for over a year (I think) it would still be a great bonus to get some of the older items, and it would "sweeten the pot" for you to get even more new patrons without you having to do more work.


I like the idea. As Jeff said, while I've been supporting for a while, I missed the first dozen months or so, and I appreciate the chance to get the older stuff.


To be honest, I'd take everything you ever created, because your style is just awesome.


I agree with Markus, love your style. You made the only goblins I use in any game I DM. I had a late start joining your Patreon so I've been picking things up here and there on your store as funds permit. I'd love to expand my mini collection with more of your work.


Awesome! I needed a fire elemental for my circle of wildfire druid and was was planning on using one I got from Cast N Play, but I love the design of yours and that's just instantly going in the printer :)

scott busbee

thanx man you rock

Roto le Snow

Oh nice! I was always kicking dirt about having missed some of the cooler models, but maybe they'll show up as bonuses. <3


I might just be dense, but is there a link to these sculps yet?


Ahhh not just me wondering that then ;)


I don't know how to download them :(


Ah okay :) Looking forward to it! I think it is a great way for new Patreons (like me) to get older miniatures as it can get quite expensive when you are not only cherry picking one or two sets you really want 😊. Thank you! :)))


The only reason I haven't supported you from you earliest releases was because I didn't know you were here so I'm excited to get to catch up. Thank you so much!


You Rock! Will keep supporting.