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I had a few patrons mention that they love the bigger high CR sculpts, but they can be hard to get into lower level games. So I've created this chained Balor.

It could have some cool RP possibility and wont total party kill your whole group upon sight :D

Let me know what you think, if you like the idea of doing stuff like this or not. 

This will be part of next months release, coming out early January   




Good Lord that's amazing!


This... is..... AMAZING!


Would it be possible to add this base separate? I'd love to put all sorts of demons on top!

Richard Gallerno

Sweet. Just finished painting 2 previous Balor releases. This will complete the set...


Damn. Just damn. This is just perfect! I might include this as a mid tier quest for a paladin to get his oath/gain the favor of his God.


This is VERY awesome. I love the idea of poses which allow the models to be used as more than a combat miniature. Early in my party's homebrew game I had a demonic ritual featuring a shadow demon. I could easily imagine using this as a VERY intimidating set-piece in an early-mid game encounter.


Bigger? I like bigger.


I think I might ask Patrons to throw out ideas for doing more set pieces like this. I'm sure all of you guys will be able to come up with loads of awesome ideas of stuff like this to sculpt.


will this be in the next release? I have print cravings on this one!


Is it available in pieces to print on a smaller build plate?


Impressive model 👍😁👍


Yes it comes split multiple ways. For resin printing, FDM printing and also a whole single piece version