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Hydra sculpt coming out in next months release. I have added removable heads so people can take heads off and add the stumps. Little holes in back of heads so magnets can be added.


Very nice what size magnets?

Eivind Husby

I love it. Will you add a version of a stump that signifies that there is no head there, but doesn't look chopped off? I don't expect something that hides that there is supposed to be attached a head, as I assume that would be a lot of work and maybe require a redesign, but just something simple that visualizes to the players that there isn't a head there yet, and looks better than just leaving it with no attachment. Then I can print and paint different attachments for "Head", "Never had a head", "Chopped off head/stump", "Fire/acid damaged stump." :D


That's amazing and brilliant idea, I can't wait to give this a go!


No legs?


Yeah no legs. I play about with putting legs on it, but they didn't look right, and lots of people seemed to like the no legs stile Hydra so I've gone with that.

Jim "Wilmanric" Pacek

In the depths of my darkest dungeon, there's a 7-headed prismatic hydra. I'm printing this guy up and painting him. It's gonna be epic. thank you!