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So here are the werewolf's (coming out in the next release) 

A few people asked for both howling werewolf's and ones with ripped clothing.

Unfortunately I had been working on this in the background for a while so there were pretty much done by the time I finally showed you all the wip shot, but if that's something people would like to see I could do some that are both howling and with ripped cloths. I was also thinking it could be cool to do some with armor and weapons like the old confrontation wolfen if people would like to see that? 





To your questions.; yes, yes, yes, and yes. Also could we get wolves too, something aesthetically aligned with these friendly folk.


uooww! Amazing!


These are awesome! All extras gratefully appreciated.


Great work, Duncan! I admired the old Confrontaton Wolfen, so yes definitely I would love to have something in that style as well.


some with armor would be nice. lil bit like worgens


I haven't had a single moment of regret backing you. Would you consider doing a armored werewolf, or a minotaur? Maybe with a shield and a weapon or something?


I wish these were out already, my party is just about to run in to some of these bad boys


Absolutely love to see Confrontation style werewolves!


Thank you Igor. Yes I would defiantly do more than just consider both of those :D There will most definitely be a armored Minotaur on the way :)


Absolutely yes! I would love these werewolfs that u said! Good word, Duncan! As always!


OMG very nice


looks awesome. Will you be making some fill wolves too in the near future? I think that would be awesome too. Or wolf bust.


I have plans to make basic real world wolfs, I didn't have any plans to do a wolf bust but it's a cool idea


I love wolves. I think they are very majestic. A lot of people make busts of superheroes and such. I certainly would print a animal bust. I think that there would be a market for that but understand that most of your pareons are probably not that demographic. I think it would be a great way to display your artwork.


I really like the idea, I'll see if I can find the time at some point to do some of these. I thought about making little plaques for some of the dinos and just have their head on them, but little animal busts could be cool.


I could definitely use a werewolf with ripped clothes and a greataxe, I have a werewolf player.