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More sculpts coming out in next months release.




Wow! They look amazing I really love the models since I joined. Very glad I joined.


So amazing! My druid will love this!

James Antonovitch

YASS! It is surprisingly hard to find good bear sculpts. I love having beasties for low level random encounters as well as druid shapes. Thanks for all your amazing work!

Grey 0815

Those are fantastic. As has been said before, it is surprisingly hard to find good animal sculpts. What would be the icing on the cake would be "dire" versions. A few spikes and we would have a fantastic dire bear.


Yeeees, winged bear! hauahauah sentimental value hahahah

Jason Morton

Perfect! I used your lion sculpt last week for my Druid, now I can ditch my dumpy Reaper bear for a high quality sculpt.

Aaron S

Adding an owl face would make for a great Owlbear too! :)


Out standing! I can't tell you how much the druids in my games will love these.


OH WOW! I really need a bear right now, a few in fact. Perfect once again.


Please, please make a druid pack to sell outside of your normal monthly patreon that would feature a female/male druid and a handful of common animals! Could do a second pack as well for higher end armor and dire versions of the animals as well:)! I'd be super stoked.


I'll be adding to the animal range so hopefully they will like the other animals on the way too :)


Yup have plans for all of that, but it wont be out side of normal patreon stuff . I want to make sure you all get your hands on it :)


I gotcha. I wish you could make more than the monthly patreon. I'd purchase more :) do you plan on ever doing terrain?


I have done some terrain in the past and to be honest it's not my favorite thing to sculpt, but I would never say never. There are a few bits I've been meaning to get done, namely expanding the demonic plague terrain I did a while ago.


That makes sense :) if it doesn't make you happy and you don't really enjoy it much than it's not worth it to make in my opinion.


If you ever, ever, ever feel the urge to sculpt wolves… well, I'll be there with bells on. ;D


There are PLENTY of terrain makers out there, but very few folks making minis anywhere close to tour quality. You keep doing what you’re doing, and we’ll keep backing ya! 😜


Now, if you could just make mounted figures on the bears...


Never said there wasn't, I was just curious if he had planned on it.