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And now for the proper update.

Minotaur unit has been done, also coming out next month :)

Started doing some test prints of these and they were going really well until my flashforge finder repeatedly got clogs. I think I need some new PTFE, also ordered some more nozzles, so hopefully I will be able to get some prints of these done soon. Has made me realize I really need more than one fdm printer :S   

Hope you like them.

I'm planning on doing some more with two hand weapons, and a leader. 



Paul Dawkins

Those are fantastic!

Florian Wortmann

This is for me the most welcome release yet. Your stlye suites the creature so seel. I love the rusty weapons. I really hope to some Beastmen/Goatman and/or Minotaure Lord. I can't wait to see this mounth end. I'm so glad to be part of this.


Those are super cool, and perhaps the best sculpt of a minotaurs to date


I'd give my left pinky toe to test them for you if you need someone to test ;)


These are fantastic. Is there any chance that you would ever consider doing some monks? But a bit different from the stereotypical bald Shaolin monks?


Get a prusa as your second FDM can’t recommend it more. And get the kit you’ll take it apart for updates anyways so might as well pay less up front


Yeah sure I want to go through all the character classes and sculpt both male and female version of each :)


Thanks. I was considering one of those. Or a Ender 3 just because so many people use the ender.


Have you enjoyed the forge printer?


Yea you would be good either way. You’ll get about the same community support for each. But as far as official upgrades, quality materials and great consumer support the prusa has an edge but it comes with a price. Just recently my 2 year old mk3 had a thermistor issue and they just sent me a new one.


Yeah I really like it. Been running pretty much solid for almost two years now I think. Biggest problem I have had is the build platform is kinda small.


I really like the forgeprint program it looks so nice for eliminating unnecessary supports.


My first (real) FDM printer was a Mk3 and my second was an Ender 3. Both are great printers though I have to say that these days, the Ender 3 is doing a better job (quality-wise) on my mini figs... HOWEVER, my Mk3 has clocked in over 5600 hours since I got it last May (problem free).


Interesting i might have to give it a shot, I ve been having amazing success with the new 0.07 profile


God these are cool. Kinda a niche request, but would you consider doing a variety of Minotaurs as player classes. With their addition to 5e I made a Samurai one that I love playing and have no good mini for, as well as... like how freaking cool would an armored paladin minotaur, or warlord looking dude?


Ope, just saw a different reply from you saying how you’re looking at doing genders and classes. So cool man.


a Minotaur Paladin is an insane Idea, I love it, would he still have a 10 by 10 inch footprint? I guess he would, then give him a lance or halberd, crap that's nuts

Øystein Huse

The Flashforge Finder are great, downsides with it are a tad too small bed, not heated bead and no enclosure. I got 2 of em and are really happy with them. Reliable workhorses.


These look amazing!!


cant wait to print these, just finished printing the chaos miniotaur and damn its soooo good


What I would love to see with the Minotaurs would be a fully armed (in plate armor) Paladin like Minotaur. That is something you wont get anywhere else! Also...A Minotaur Shaman with inspiration from Native Americans would be cool!


I have owned 3 Finders, but I had to scale back, so I sold those and bought a returned FF Creator Pro on eBay. I loves me some Flashforge! The Flashprint app spoiled me too. It’s just so easy and powerful! However, for Duncan’s models primarily, my new Anycubic Photon does AMAZING work.


My first Shadowrun character was a Minotaur Street Samurai with a Vindicator Minigun. I would LOVE something like that.


Flashprint looks amazing. I'm sad it's not universal. The supports look amazing for that :( I wish all slicers had something like that.

Alex Varley

I really, really, really like these Minotaurs. Possibly my favourite sculpts to date although the Dinos are just brilliant.