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Another couple of Giants coming out in the new year, this time marsh giants. 

In other news I've sent a email to Patreon expressing my displeasure with their new policy, and I'm still waiting for a respose.

I have in the meantime been looking at other options. The main one I've come across is a service called Makersupport. They basically do what Patreon do but have only launched relatively recently. 

I was wondering what you guys think about me opening up a account on that platform as well as this or even moving there entirely?                           

I also want to say a massive thank you to all of you who have hung around your support really does mean the world to me, it's thanks to all you guys that I can get the opportunity to sculpt things for the games I love. 

Thank you   




Don't move. People are making a mountain of a molehill. Change sucks, you get more money to make more awesome stuff, yes we the backers have to be aware we get charged a bit more but so what. If you want to alter anything feel free to change your pledge levels DOWN to compensate for our fees, but honestly how many people have you lost vs. gained.


Maybe the backlash will get Patreon to reverse course. Another one I back is just as annoyed as you are. If Patreon starts losing people, they are going to have to do some quick thinking.


I missed the hill giants, so I'm pleased to see the marsh giants :) I'm only backing you on here, as I like the loot, so do what is right for you! If leave these guys I'll follow, if you stay I'll stay. If I have to I'll pull out a month, but I'll try to stay as I'm on low income at the moment


Personally, I think a lot of makers will move. I'd like to see them move to the same platform to make it easier on me... The most I have been seeing is Paypal subscriptions, and now this platform. I'd be ok changing platforms. Everyone I follow is not happy with Patreon's behaviors, and it seems like they reactions are to hope for the best... or actively go out and find another platform to move to.


I am good for either. That said, your levels make it easier for support than others. I know some that charge per item (maps in the instance I am thinking of) and that becomes huge when charged 10 times (one per map released) a month instead of the one time. And I am digging the Marsh Giants! good stuff!


Duncan, I'll stay or follow were ever you go. I'm fine with the increase, just don't have to like it.