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希望大家一切安好。自上個月更新機器翻譯功能以來,我們收到了一些用戶的反饋,指出我們的翻譯服務質量有待提升,特別是翻譯日文的表現很糟糕。為了讓大家能更好地追新番,我認為我們需要提供更好的服務。因此,在v7.8版本中,我們更新了 DeepL 翻譯服務。在使用前,您可以在“設定”中更換翻譯引擎。

由於 DeepL 翻譯服務相對昂貴,我們目前只能提供有限量的供應。您可能會在月底前看到用量使用完畢的提示,這時候請先轉換到其他引擎使用吧。



希望大家一切安好。自上个月更新机器翻译功能以来,我们收到了一些用户的反馈,指出我们的翻译服务质量有待提升,特别是翻译日文的表现很糟糕。为了让大家能更好地追新番,我认为我们需要提供更好的服务。因此,在v7.8版本中,我们更新了 DeepL 翻译服务。在使用前,您可以在“设定”中更换翻译引擎。

由于 DeepL 翻译服务相对昂贵,我们目前只能提供有限量的供应。您可能会在月底前看到用量使用完毕的提示,这时候请先转换到其他引擎使用吧。


Hello everyone,

I hope all is well. Since the update of the machine translation feature last month, we have received feedback from users pointing out that the quality of our translation service needs improvement, especially in translating Japanese, where the performance is quite poor. In order to help everyone keep up with the latest anime releases more effectively, I believe we need to provide a better service. Therefore, in version 7.8, we have updated to the DeepL translation service. Before using it, you can switch the translation engine in the "Settings."

As the DeepL translation service is relatively expensive, we can currently only offer a limited supply. You may receive a prompt indicating usage limits by the end of the month, so please switch to other engines at that time.

Additionally, due to the increase in our subscriber count, this might lead to delays in my response to your messages. However, I will try my best to respond within 24 hours. Thank you for your continuous support and understanding.


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