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  • raptor_moneyshot_shot2_no fluid.mp4
  • parasaur cinematic_wip7_0000-4460.mp4



This shot was such a pain, it wasn't a difficult one on paper but it's at this point I was feeling really burned out on animating this money shot. And it felt like nothing I did looked... okay. Finally I was feeling pretty good about the character motion but then I ran into a problem of having a hand on the hip, it's bad for the cloth sim on the shirt and it also kept clipping with the short. But the shorts were clipping through the leg so... it was an annoying thing to fix.

It still doesn't look perfect but thankfully fixing the cloth sim to avoid being crushed by the hand on the hip had the side effect of hiding the hand. And the darker lighting helps hide the janky hand on hip placement.

Here's a test, the fluid is a placeholder material for now (to make sure the motion blur is working)

Should hopefully be hard to see the hand on the hip when it's full rendered and in motion.

One tip for anyone working with cloth sim is you're going to have to do some weird stuff with the simulation at some point. Sometimes you need a sphere to push around some cloth to make something happen the way you might want it to (or to have cloth avoid being stuck inside a collision object)

I'm pretty sick of working on shots that have cloth and the possibility of a hand or limb crushing the cloth and breaking the sim. It was a dumb idea on my part to go "oh yeah he's wearing shirt and shorts in every shot he's in for this thing." What I should of done is like, maybe he listens for a bit, goes back into his room and when we see him again he's naked. But nooo... I had to show cloth. At first I was trying to show off, like "look what I can do, CLOTH! Shirt and shorts! And I showed him pulling his shorts down under his junk!" (which imo that part turned out pretty good) but that stupid decision lead to like... so much f*cking with cloth.

Anyway the fluid sim for this part is baking, I'm doing some testing and it's going well so far. I'm pretty happy I was able to make this happen though, like he gets some of the fluid in his mouth.

I've updated the story board so far with the finalized animation and attached it to the post (and also this shot by itself)




worth it, imo..... as much as I love naked furries, the clothes really sell that he's reacting spontaneously to something❤️ I think it adds a lot!


Love him taking a shot into his own mouth~