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I should have done it for this month but like, I didn't realize how much school stuff I'm drowning in right now. It sucks because I was *just* starting to get a bit of momentum going but I just can't keep it up for the next... probably 3 or so weeks.

Then next semester starts immediately after this one and I'm taking another set of difficult classes.

I'm going to try as much as I can to actually work on stuff but I don't know how much I can realistically do.

Like, I would love to just have a good chunk of time to finish rigging the lizard guy, do a bit of animating, that kind of thing but jfc this week is nuts. I'm juggling hats between Python Mongo database management, software security with Java and C++ OpenGL and it's not a very good time.

Honestly, I don't even really *like* programming anymore. I used to love it. And I thought "hey, that's the only degree that sounds like I can do that's also covered by my employer's education benefits." Now it's literally the last thing I want to do in my spare time.

I'd rather continue to improve my modeling/rigging skills and maybe I could get this patreon thing going nicely but that's too risky and probably wouldn't pan out.

I just wish I could do *this* kind of stuff...

Hopefully soon I'll have something cool done but I just don't think I can accomplish much.

I did design a logo for my complete Python CRUD (Create, read, update, delete) module I crunched out in the last couple of days:

(DinoCC- the CC stands for "Clean CRUD")

The logo wasn't part of the assignment but kept me from wanting to rip my whole damn head off my neck for a little bit.

Sorry about not having anything. I'm very thankful for everyone's patience and support.



Listen brother, the work load can be stressful even chaotic but i noticed you looked at patreon and everything you do here as a risk but if I may be truthful taking the risk making that jump can be rewarding albiet every risk we take has the potential to go bad but sometimes we are happy even glad that we took that leap because that is how we learn what we can handle. Ultimately it is your choice and this tree dodger is gonna support you either way because you do a good job on what you do


Thank you very much- the thing is is like, I'm almost 30 and I can't be doing too much risk taking with my career path... I'm already so old to be *just now* getting a CS degree >_>


Understood I can respect that decision I just wanted to say that sometimes risks are okay they are what help us grow. I am turning 23 this. Year I have take risks but ultimately your decision is one I can totally understand. Thank you for hearing me out. Not many people listen anymore I hope life smooths out for you brother and best of luck everywhere else