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  • vpRoughPrev0000-0940.mp4



Here's a preview of the intro sequence. I just got done adding in face animation. It ended up being 51 seconds as originally, the speed was WAY too fast >_> which is due to animation play back being like, 9-10 fps so I animate it seeing it that way. Thankfully, you can just change the values in the time-remapping thing in Blender and your entire scene's animation is scaled accordingly.

I used a cube-y mesh for the background because there's no need to have all that cluttering up my scene and dragging the frame rate down! All that needs to be known is where the important parts of the background are.

This is like, the bare minimum settings for Eevee. The final render will have the actual background + better settings.

I still think it's quite rough. Some parts I'm happy with, other parts I'm not. But, I'm going to move on to the sex animations next >_>

-Velocirection, chief sexy officer of Pizzass Games


RavenWorks (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 16:30:15 ohhhhh my god, seeing it all put together into a scene is so satisfying!!<333 Brings it all to life! :D
2021-02-13 13:36:45 ohhhhh my god, seeing it all put together into a scene is so satisfying!!<333 Brings it all to life! :D

ohhhhh my god, seeing it all put together into a scene is so satisfying!!<333 Brings it all to life! :D


Thank you! Eventually, I hope to really bring everyone to life with good animation ^^;