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Here's the .blend file~

This is my most "sophisticated" rig as of yet, as there are controls for the foreskin, asshole, eyelids, etc... and real jiggle(which can be disabled by turning off the two "mesh deform" modifiers as it can look weird if you try to animate/pose without running the simulation from the beginning)

So yeah, she's juuuust about done though I'll post updated models if I make improvements!

-Velocirection, chief sexy officer of Pizzass Games




Things just keep looking better and better as you improve, keep up the good work


Howd you learn all this so fast!?


Thank you! My mission in life is to make good lewd stuff, I don't ever want to stop finding ways to improve. Ultimately my goal to create 3d lewd that is indistinguishable from the hottest 2d lewd and I am determined to get there one day 😤


So I've been doing 3d modeling for about 6-ish years now. Originally I began with a project where the aesthetic is early 2000s CG, but I was unsatisfied with making sfw games. So then I tried 3d nsfw and the results were okay with a lot of studying topology and character modeling, but at the time I wasn't able to develop an appealing way to render the characters. I wanted a detailed, semi realistic look but it wasn't happening. So I tried to do 2d art. Quickly I realized that it would be better to make use of 3d helpers so I started modeling basic scenes and character heads and stuff to be drawn over. This dramatically improved the quality and speed of making art assets, but it was still time consuming. When I started going back to college to get my bachelors, between work and school I have very little time for game dev. So it came to a point where I started looking into non photo realistic rendering techniques and after watching and reading a bunch of tutorials and a lot of trial and error, the 3d has ended up like this. So, tldr version, it's not that I learned fast, it's that I have a decent amount of previous 3d experience ;p