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Overloading is a really bad idea, I had a really stressful semester but it's coming to an end soon and things are winding down, school wise. Next semester I won't be biting off more than I can chew...

Anyway, I took the opportunity to apply a few concepts I learned towards a dialogue editor.

This is a dialogue tree editor I've started- it's getting close to 100% functional (and 1000% ugly) but the idea is to make the creation/editing of complex dialogue trees painless. There are tools that do this but none really fit my specific needs/export to just a text file.

The left is the text file that was read, the right is the file that was saved. Saving isn't 100% yet- however, it's getting close! If a file I made by hand as a mockup matches the file generated by the program exactly, then that means save/load is working.

This semester, in the operating platforms class, I learned about and wrote a lot of software design docs and took into consideration client requirements/constraints as well as technical and business constraints. Helped quite a bit with researching tools and eventually deciding to design/write my own. In discrete math, I got a good idea of tree graphs- it opened my eyes to how I could setup a parent/child relation with nodes in a very simple way. In machine learning, my skills at sorting through data has improved (so honestly writing the save/load functions have been pretty painless so far)

This tool/"format" will be used in future games to keep conversations more easily trackable and also make expanding conversations not a pain the butt because hardcoded conversations with many branching paths are unruly.

What I'd love to do is a little rpg where the combat is based around lewd talk/sex. The idea is to integrate horniness/sexuality into the gameplay in ways that aren't too disjointed. So like, the player gets their horny fix while also "fighting" "battles." The first image is a very rough kind of idea of screen real estate would be like (there would be two different UI layouts but more on that some other time)

In the previous RPG attempt, I felt like final fantasy combat didn't offer as much opportunity for very lewd scenarios. With a Dragon Quest/Earthbound style perspective, you can rely heavily on text descriptions to convey the action. Which is what I intend to do.

So sadly that's pretty much all I have to offer. I have been doing school/work 99% of the time and been miserable...

-Velocirection, chief sexy officer of Pizzass Games




Good to hear you're still hangin in there!! A busy semester is such a tough thing... Glad it's still leaving you with inspiration, though!