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Sorry it's been so long. Here's some sketches ranging from bad to eh.

However, the one with the giraffe will probably be the next piece I try to finish. I have a week off from school so hopefully I can do that.

I also want to get back into doing game related art/stuff in general. So I might do that instead next week. Or finish the giraffe and focus on getting game stuff done.

I've just been feeling not motivated to work on games- it's something that isn't really exciting to show. I think I mentioned that before. It's like "Here's a background and some sprites!" or "Look at this backstory!" but there's no butt or dicks so it's not exciting. And not something that will get the attention/validation I crave to feel like I'm worth something ;_;

However, I am a game developer above all else. So I should probably focus my efforts on that instead, no matter how boring the stuff I work on is (because as much as But I don't like guys is about sex, there's A LOT of not sex art that needs to be done)

Also, I'm sorry I'm so unbelievably slow but computer science is tough and takes a lot time :T I don't even get to program anything fun, all the assignments for programming are like "make a bank application" or "make a program that has a c++ interface that interacts with a Java file writing class" or "animal rescue management app"

And worse still is I'm overloading next semester to try and get some classes done quicker... we'll see how it goes, I hope it won't be too rough -.-




its oki, theres no need to rush yourself, take all the time ya need buddy