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Hello everyone! How's Saturday so far?

In this week's update, fluid shaders! Just to preface this, fluids are being added into the game as a combination of particles and shaders. Particles are very straightforward, they're just images procedurally emitted by the engine itself following given parameters, so it works great for things like for example cumshots or any other sort of projectile, while shaders in this case are used mainly to either to make those particles look more interesting or to coat certain parts of the characters with specific code-generated textures, like the coatings you can see in the gifs below.

💦 Saliva Overlay 💦

So the saliva coating for the penis! This is the base shader and there's still more work to be done, but our goal is to have it add up over time in response to interaction, and also with this being a shader we can make this coating respond with some movement while throating is taking place.

We are also looking into ways to increment this effect by adding saliva particles webbing down.

💦 Cum Overlay 💦

This one is very straightforward, it's a bukkake coating that can be applied to any body part of the character. As you can see the color can also be modified, so in the future it could also be used for other types of liquids. We're also starting to look into cumshot particles to understand how they'll interact visually with this coating shader, and see if they blend in naturally.

⚗️ Other News ⚗️

Pinou is currently optmizing the game overall so it runs smoothly and beautifully, we're very excited about releasing it earlier as we're now just a few weeks away from having a playable release out for you all!

This is it for this week, expect more fluid news in the future as we approach release, since this is the last piece missing, aside from basic UI stuff.

Thanks for joining us this week!


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