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Hi everyone! Hope you're all having a great Saturday,

As you know last week we ran a poll asking people if they'd like to have the game released earlier but without customization, so at the beginning with only one character, and we had an overwhelmingly positive response!

In practice what this means is the first release will come out about a month sooner, so it can now be out in a month's time, around October 📅. And of course, customization will be added to the game as an update later, as will all other future features! This basically allows you guys to enjoy what the game currently has to offer sooner.

So to get ready for the upcoming release we're polishing the art we have, including the character that is going along with the first version of the game. We're revising the lineart and color palette, also the artstyle going deeper into the anime look. Let us know what you think!

In the development side, we're now looking into ways to make the game look visually smoother overall. Pinou has a couple of Anti-Aliasing solutions currently being tried out and they work great, we're testing now to see which one provides the best performance.

As soon as the updated character is up and running we'll share another video with yall. We'll also have some fluid samples to showcase soon so look forward to that 💦💦💦

Thanks for joining us this week!