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FrougeDev is adding features to this month's demo!

Triangulate is going full speed on the complex Electric Boss; with each new piece of art/design sketch he sends me for it, the more awesome it looks, and I'll have more to talk about on that once we've finalized the art on it

I've been doing odds and ends all over the game, mainly designing maps for the Electric Level as well. (I also wanted to apologize for the delay this week in posting; had a few family issues to attend to, but things are fine now!)

Rtil  is currently starting work on the new Game Over CGs for the Electric Level! Progress on them will move somewhat slowly as he's still finishing off the Internal Interrogation demo, though!

Fuyarinpa has started work on the Electric Level soundtrack!

Stenzo K. is done with SFX for now as he's working on another project of his own, but when we get to the first Electric Level demo release, he'll be able to start up SFX again!



Yes, this is boss background #4... out of NINE.

If you're wondering what in the world we could have 9 backgrounds for, well, you'll just have to wait and see, but I'll say this; those of you that enjoyed the Ice Boss's combination of puzzle and action elements, we've got a whole new action/puzzle element for you coming with this boss.

It'll also be the most "diverse" boss yet with the number of things he'll be throwing at you; we're creating six new environmental obstacles/traps specifically just for the boss!

More on this boss over time (we have him fleshed out/completed as far as the design of him goes, we just don't want to spoil too much.)



So with the Fire Level, you had music that fit a grungy, hot environment (we are going to re-do the Fire Level music of course when we cycle back around to it).
With the Ice Level, you had music that was foreboding, yet almost mystical, with nature and so on.

So to keep with making each level have its own identity, the Electric Level is going to be high energy, upbeat, and very hi-tech sounding. For an example of what we're talking about, think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8TIM7bHZFc (we're not using this as a reference for the music, but this should give you an idea of the general feel.)


As we've already shown a great deal of the Electric Level to you all, some of these posts will be kind of sparse, unfortunately, but we'll keep posting weekly!

Thanks so much for your support; we're aiming to give you nothing less than the best game we can do!

The next demo, v018, will be out April 30th, and will have a number of improvements :)

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.) 




Wow , and I thought Ice Boss was an exciting chase. Can't wait to see this!


I like action and adventure, especially with side scrollers or retro style gameplay. I love it even more when there's fun challenges and puzzles


I think I can safely say there hasn't been many bosses that are employing the particular gimmick we're doing with this boss (as in, I can't think of ANY that do what we're doing, but I'm sure there's one out there!)


well that sounds exciting, I look forward to it


My heart is aflutter with excitement. ^^


even if there was, I'm sure no one would remember. I certainly wont since I have played a side scroller since I was a kid with the Gameboy games.