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Hey, so Patreon hasn't fixed the issue with my Discord yet (as in, you don't get invited to it once pledging nor does the Patreon discern whether you're a Patron or not); since it's apparently still being worked on, in the meantime, here's a link to the server;


The purpose of the server is basically;

  • discuss the games i'm working on (not just future fragments)
  • ask questions and get live feedback (and give live feedback too) instead of just responses on a forum
  • just generally chat and socialize and such regardless of whether it's about my games or not
  • feel free to network and post your own projects on there too in the appropriate channel

You're not required to join by any means of course, but feel free to! :)

BTW, once you join, I'll have to manually put you in the Patron category, so if I'm not online, I'll put you in there ASAP!