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FrougeDev is working as hard as he can to get the demo out by December 8th; we should still be good to go!

Triangulate has prepared a pretty significant update to the UI; you can see an animation of it up above, and hear more about it below! He's also been working on various animations here and there.

I've been working on a variety of things, same as usual, pretty much. :P



Just so you all remember, if you pledge, but your money doesn't go through at the start of the month, you won't get the rewards (or the new demo, unless you successfully pledged prior to the Newgrounds demo!)



As you can see, we've moved some stuff around pretty significantly!

First off, the powerup slots have been shranken down and moved to the left side of the screen to save room.

Second, the area behind Talia's profile has been removed to make her flush with the screen, giving us more room, and the mana bar has been reutilized to be a semi-circle between her portrait and the life bar!

Finally, when it comes to switching powerup "styles" from the bosses you defeat, you'll be able to cycle through them with the A/S buttons using the neat design we've got here too.



If you want some backstory on the Ice Level, check my reply to "The Dayum Machine" on the last post! I wrote up a heck of a reply to them, haha.



Using one of the special elemental charge shots (more on that in a later update) or one of the elemental abilities, both of which you get from bosses, will use up one of the three mana bars you have.

Mana bars normally recharge automatically at a rate of one bar per 10 seconds, but some powerups can change that, and with balancing, we might change the time it takes for mana to regenerate, as well.



Rtil has been doing the sketches for the first CG scene they're going to work on (the Fire Boss); so far, it's looking good! Hopefully we'll have something to show you all soon :D


And as usual, thanks so much for your support; we're aiming to give you nothing less than the best game we can do!

The NEW Ice Demo will be out December 8th for all who successfully pledged in November, as well as those who pledged successfully prior to the Newgrounds demo!

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.) 




For some reason, Patreon doesn't seem to have sent an email notification for this update. Anyway, the new UI looks very nice! Great to hear that the fire boss CG is in the works too!


Looks good. What's up with the icons on the far right?


Just subbed, any chance I can get a hold of the old ice demo? If you think the upcoming dec 8th one is a major change then I probably should hold out.


subbed and payed, same question as boned, although id love both demos to be honest

The Dayum Machine

Just a curiosity, but will there be a pause menu eventually? Not to just pause the game, but like a little skill menu, to remind the player of what they've acquired? Like say if I (somehow) forgot how to fire dash, I'd press a button to find out. Not that I mind if there isn't, I'm good with knowing my controls, but I know some others that have trouble with that kind of thing.


There's going to be a rudimentary pause menu in this version for audio, key reconfiguration, etc. A full menu with all that stuff will be in later builds/the full game though!


I pledged mid november and my payment of $10 went through this morning. Is it possible if I can get the full ice demo on the 8th? I've been really looking forward to it.

Jonathan Marlow

I hope the design of game over CG Talia is going to be artistically accurate to the sprite u play as


The avatar in the corner looks pretty out of style from the sprite for my tastes.


How so? I'd say it looks pretty accurate, Talia's look is simplified for sprites, but she's looked that way on the title screen/cover banner for the Patreon since basically day one :P


Here is a question: I pledged on December, but not in November (Even when I wanted too lol, but Patreon doesn't works like that xD) So, I will get the new ice demo? Thank you anyways!


This looks great in my opinion, the UI looks good and isn't to distracting and I love the art style used in the little avatar of Talia in the corner. All in all keep up the good work!


I literally just signed up, so will I be getting the demo soon, or waiting until everything kicks in on Jan. 1st?


edit: nevermind. i see i wont actually be charged till next month.


What is the ETA on the games full release? Will it have controller subport by launch?


So now that it's rolled over to December and I've been charged, how do I access the latest demo?


Unfortunately it looks like your pledge won't clear until Jan 1st, yeah :( that said, we'll be streaming the new demo as well as still showing off stuff in the activity feed like always!


The full game should be released, ideally, around May 2018 or so (that's what we're shooting for), but that's only a rough estimate, it could be a few months sooner or a few months later. We will definitely have controller support within the next few demos :D


I send off the latest demo to Patrons through their PM inbox; the new Ice Demo is coming out on the 8th, but I can send you the old ice demo right now if you'd like, too :)


Nice, it looks like the new demo is actually on schedule for release. I already like the new programmer :P


Um.. I have a little problem lol.. I can't log in my other account.. Yeah this is a different one but with the same name AND same email, so, I don't know if Patreon 'erased' the other one or what, but I can't log in, and I don't know if it keeps pledging, and I don't want to have an account pledging $10 when I can't use it xD. This is SO weird, I just wanted to know: If I can stop pledging the other account in ANY way, and If I can't and it keeps pledging.. Well, f- me then lol ;-; I will pledge $15 then xD (I'm gonna pledge $5 because I will get the entire game anyways since I have the same email :P) That's all.


The best thing to do would be to email Patreon about it at <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us</a> and ask them to cancel the other account; I can't "cancel" an account on my end, I can only refund/ban, and refunding you wouldn't stop repeated transactions, and banning you might prevent you from ever using that email again, etc.


Aloha! i also came from new grounds lol. totally dig the game. Pledged like a boss. i beat the valcanoe demo, can i try the ice demo? thnx!


Also, will there be a choice in the real game to save Faye?


will patrons who pledged december 1st get the new ice demo?


I just made a pledge could someone like me by a chance get the demo?


I'm gonna be honest, I was just being super pervy and wanted to see more of these awesome animations. :P But as I read through more &amp; more posts, learning the storylines behind everything and how everything is connected, this game is actually pretty amazing. I love that its gonna have multiple endings, combinable power ups, etc. truly excited to play the final game. god speed to you &amp; your team bro.


today ia the day


That's the intent with the storyline! And a lot of the plot/story stuff I've deliberately not talked about so as to avoid spoilers/twists :D


is the demo still scheduled for release today?


Nice to meet you. I am very interested in this game and I participated in the patron. However, I do not know where to download this game. Is this game sent by e-mail or is it taken from some page? I definitely want to play.


Yeah, all the demos are sent through the Patreon PM inbox once money has cleared from your pledge!


Hello, I just pledged as I just came across your demo on newgrounds today though charge coming next month. I was wondering if I could get the game first if I personally pay you through paypal for the new version coming out today?


We unfortunately can't take PayPal pledges directly; you can use PayPal through Patreon, but it still won't take the charge until next month. We're actually going to look into "immediate pledging" for next month though, so this should be the last month stuff like this happens; sorry!