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Albatross has handed me the engine; he needs to add a few things to it still, but I'm working on maps as we speak!

Triangulate is continuing his decimation of the game's artwork, as usual :P He's got some stuff regarding NPCs we'd like to show you also!

I've been working on the new NPC designs as well as contacting CG artists, one of which you'll hear about today!



While Faye and Talia are both from the year 1000, Vie is a character from the far off year of 3000 (where a majority of the game takes place).

We can't give away her alliances or motives yet, but we can give away a few bits about her personality and abilities!

(To get the probably biggest questions out of the way, you can't play as her unfortunately, and you will see hentai scenes with her in them, haha.)

So as you can see, she has some devices on her wrists, as well as her belt; these devices interface with technology in general and allow her to transmit her thoughts/will directly into the technology, hacking it at the speed of thought, as it were.

Since the majority of, well, EVERYTHING in the future has technology embedded in it, this makes her significantly powerful. She doesn't have much direct combat strength, but she can manipulate things around her to do deal the damage she needs to.

Specifically, she can literally digitize herself into the walls/ground/ceiling, allowing her to effectively teleport anywhere she would need to go as fast as an electronic signal would go (which is pretty fast in the year 3000).

If she has a major downfall, it's that she is not only an eternal and extreme optimist, but she outright only hears what she wants to hear/will twist things to her favor; for example, if you say that you don't want to go out to lunch with her, she would take that as a sign that you're just busy, and you'll be seeing her at dinner, instead, not that you're outright rejecting her for a date.

This can cause her to help people she really shouldn't be helping...



Triangulate will be making a number of NPCs for cutscenes and the like. We'll be going with a list of the following NPCs for now, with more to possibly come!

- Scientists (you can see some of them here)

- Rebel Soldiers

- 1 Unique NPC per level (as in, completely different from anything else)

- Vie and Faye, of course

- The King (through holograms/transceiver on the suit)

- Regular enemies altered for NPC purposes 

The scientists and rebel soldiers will be "hairstyle/palette swaps" to note.



We've been emailing people in "waves", about 10 people at a time, and the first person we've officially given a "test" to do (as in, they want to be on the project and do CGs, we just wanna test em out for sure) is http://rtil.deviantart.com/  ! You can check out some of their amazing art there to get an idea of the kind of quality they'd have for the Game Over CGs :D


And as usual, thanks so much for your support; we're aiming to give you nothing less than the best game we can do!

The NEW Ice Demo with the new engine and all is still on track for late November, or the first few days of December!

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.) 




I absolutely LOVE Vie's design.


is it just me or shes got bigger booty than faye or talia lol


Her ass looks about the same. Tits definitely look bigger though.


You guys should definitely do your best to hire on Akairiot. I'm pretty sure he's the one who turned me on to FF in the first place.


First off, I l9ve Vie's look. Secondly, and a bit less fun, isn't that a bit behind what you've been saying about the release of the new ice demo? I'm not really complaining, I just remember it being mid-late November. Not that it really changes much, I was just wondering.


I'm already in love with Vie. Fluffy platinum-white hair, PLUS yellow eyes, PLUS a ribbed sweater (a la Kyoko from Rival Schools)? In the words of a man much more handsome than me, "Alright, alright, alright!" Super-happy to hear that Rtil is onboard for the CGs. I really like a lot of the Katawa Shojo art they make; it'll be great to see what they pull off. Also: as much as I love Vie, I need to give TP MEGA-props for designing a scientist with Dr. Neo Cortex's hair. Frickin'. Brilliant. \m/


Iv'e been a fan of rtil's work for a long time so to hear that rtil could be involved in this project is amazing


Yeah, there's a few things where I had to kind of kick Albatross into high gear on, but we should be good. It also might even be good for the new Patrons if it comes out a few days into December, because then they don't have to spend any time waiting, haha. (As always though, refunds are available and such if anyone is disappointed in progress, but I promise we're busting ass as hard as we can!)


There's actually a story behind that; Akairiot and I were working on two different games together at one point (believe it or not, there is a huge host of completed game design documents sitting on my computer from projects that just never manifested into getting enough steam from the artists/programmers to really get rolling), and after two of them, he said he just wanted to concentrate on his own stuff and "get better" (which TBH, I dunno how the man can really get any better!). So it was part that why we didn't contact him (I have nothing against the guy, to be clear), and part that we're specifically contacting artists who have experience with detailed backgrounds, and Akai specializes mainly in character portraits/the characters themselves, not so much the backgrounds.


Haha, I didn't even notice that until now; I really hope the new Crash Bandicoot remakes are solid and not just a quick cash-in, they were some of my favorite games as a kid.


Yeah, I'm sure they'll pass the test with flying colors, but we just wanted to make absolutely sure of course. :P


Damn. Vie is fine as fuck! I'm disappointed you can't play as her, but I get it. Maybe someday, farrr in the future. Can't wait to see her hentai scenes.


Im gonna ask the question im sure everyone is wondering too, will Vie have any h-scenes?


wow 很棒很性感的一位npc,非常的期待.....


She can move around at the speed of bandwidth, eh? As long as no one starts torrenting ALL THE PORN, she should be fine.


There's uh, a specific reason you can't play as her, which will become obvious mid/late into the game, haha. It has to do with Talia and Faye though, I can say that much. ;)


In the WORM's era of reign, porn of *actual people* is ultra valuable on the black market, as having actual porn would indicate two real human beings had sex, which is outlawed by their policies, as a bit of related trivia :P


Nice! by curiosity, what is the test for CG artists?


I see opportunity for viruses/antiviruses doing something to Vie while traveling electronically, be it violation of access protocols or corruption of data :3


>Those scientists "Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. Side to side."


Hot damn. Hope her scenes are juicy, she's my new favorite character!


When you realize the first time you saw the artist was on the front page of reddit overwatch for his comic: the door.


I can see viruses fucking her up pretty good (and literally). Lots of potential there.


That's mainly on Triangulate, as he's the "head of art" so he'd be the one to establish the test, but I'm going to assume it's something like seeing a sketch of theirs or a partially done picture, then if it looks good, they're good, etc.


Yep, hahaha I was amazed at how much it'd taken off! I've actually been mutually pledged (meaning we pledge the same amount to each other) to rtil though on Patreon for a long while now (at least 8 or 9 months, I believe), so it's pretty awesome to hopefully get them on.


I will say, in full disclosure, that she'll have less hentai scenes than Faye (who gets at least one every level), but in compensation hers will likely be pretty epic.


FEED ME Stare into my eyes you're getting sleepy FEED ME and then I'll feed the hungry and the Needy




Help please , I put a$ 5 where can I download the latest demo version of the game


Same, I'm new to patreon, I made an account just to pledge to this game!


我的中文不好,但我会尽我所能。 这个NPC的名字是VIE。你不能扮演她。是的,她的确有出場色情動作的部分。


Just out of curiosity but how do you and the team come up with a character? Did you folks know you wanted another female character and Sombra (from an earlier post) inspire the look/feel or did you see Sombra and think that someone like her would fit into the game? I'm just wondering on the process, both could mean there's more characters in store :D Also not trying to start up anything or remind you of it, but will the team still call itself Octopus Beam? I believe that was the name at least lol :D Anyway the game is really coming along, I like those scientists! They look positively science-y, but I'm sure they have tricks up their sleeves! I'm thinking like Doc Ock from Spider-man fame lol


It actually wasn't either of those; Triangulate just designed the character, and then I brought up like "hey, we already have a close range fighter (Faye) and a long range fighter (Talia), what about someone who didn't rely on direct combat to do their work, someone more covert and hidden, etc.?" And then from that, Triangulate came up with the idea of them being a hacker of some sort, and from that, I got inspired by Sombra, so he edited her appearance a bit to fit that. A lot of the enemy design ideas we do come from bouncing ideas back and forth like that, actually :P We definitely aren't going to call ourselves Octopus Beam, as most of wanting a "team name" was Cheshire's idea, and so we're just gonna stay as we are for now, pretty much, haha. The scientists are pretty poorly treated; think of them like red-shirts in Star Trek, so they USUALLY won't have anything special, but yeah, who knows... ;)


Hello could I get a link to the old ice demo?

Garrosh Smith

Very much like Vie's design! There's one thing that strikes me as a tad odd, though. That skin coloured thing on her upper right arm, are those her fingers or something else? Because if they are/it is, she's got some HUGE fingers compared to her lower arms :O


This is something stylistically intentional, (you can see examples of this on games like Street Fighter 4 and 5, for instance) Talia and Faye have this also :P


hi! i just pledged and want you to send me the old ice demo! thank you


Hi I also just pledged and was wondering if I could get the ice demo. I finished the version on newgrounds. Great game!


I just pledged and was hoping you could send me the latest demo. Thanks!


Cool update so far. Good to hear youre getting the maps in and making progress. That chest on Vie though lol. Damn!

Justin B.

Loved the game so much I decided to pledge, great work being done here! Would love to play the latest demo.


Hi, you're doing a great job here. I would like the old ice demo if you don't mind. This game made me think about Megaman X, but i don't think Talia would consider to take Faye's arm if she dies.


Hello! Just tried the demo on Newgrounds and was impressed enough to give you guys money. Was wondering if i could check out this old ice demo i keep reading about

The Dayum Machine

Just curious, will this game have character select eventually? I know we're Talia in the demos but playing as other characters would be cool. Like if you played as Faye and you found Talia getting fucked in the fire demo (in a different position of course :P)


Unfortunately you'll only be able to play as Talia, due to the way the storyline plays out, but you'll be able to interact with the two girls lots :)


just pledged $5 after seeing how great the game is coming along but i was wondering if the new grounds demo the latest one or is there a newer demo that can be sent to me?


Hahaha, it's funny, because we legitimately didn't mean to base it off of Mega Man/Zero's colors with Talia/Faye's hair, but I think there might be some sort of psychological reason a lot of games seem to have that "player character is blue, rival character is red" combo. And yeah, she won't be taking her arm off. There IS something we have planned though that's relevant to this, much, much later into the game, but that'd be spoilers :P Also, sent you the old ice demo!


this game love it , i just pledged $5 but i dont find the ice demo


Amazing stuff here. Just played your demo over at newgrounds and completely won over by the unique art style! Keep up the good work fellas. Would also be happy to try out your latest demo :)


Just signed up, May i have a demo? =D


I just signed up, May i have a demo? :D


I just signed up, May i have a demo too plz :3


so...hows that demo coming along?


Hello! Just started supporting your guys' awesome project. Would it be possible for me to get a demo? If not, that's fine. Just glad I can support your amazing work. :D


Just started supporting as well I'd like a demo too. :D


if you want to wait for the first payment that's fine, but if it's possible can i get a demo sent to me? I pledged way back when and just started again cause i'm more financially stable and remembered this great game


oh, VIE better get punished lol.