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Just doing this to get an idea of the percentage for these possibilities.

Would be appreciated if you can take a second to put down what you did regarding Wishlisting, Patreon'ing for a copy, and your choice as to whether or not to buy FF on Steam :) thanks!

(I can't see your individual votes, but even if I could, no judgement here of course!)

EDIT: For some reason, people seem to think the choices in this poll mean that the whole "get the game at launch if you backed for $20 or more" deal doesn't exist anymore.

That deal still exists; it hasn't changed.

The options on this poll about "buying a copy after backing $20 on Patreon" is for people who just want to buy multiple copies, or buy a copy for a friend, as many people have indicated they want to do that, so that's why we included it.



Not wishlisted but i'll probably buy a copy for a friend or two if I see it on theirs for them, and been backed for years.


Will buy from tream if only the R rated stuff is on there


Not sure if I will buy on steam or not, yet. I have patreon'd over 20$


The game will be uncensored on Steam, but it will also be uncensored on all other platforms too :)


Problem is that FF is not available on Steam in Germany. So no chance for German players to wishlist it


been a patreon, on like alot of different tiers for years, and was under the impression i'd be getting a steam key, but i guess i'll just have to spend more money on this game for steam.


You've backed more than enough for a copy of the game at launch; I'm not sure why you think you wouldn't get a copy of the game at launch :P


I would have wishlistet, if I could have done it in hidden. I've collectively donated over 20$, and If I don't get a copy, I'll buy it on sale.


Yeah, same for me as other people, I share my Steam library with family and I don't want to go through the hassle of setting up a new account etc. So while I won't be getting it on Steam, I'll be getting it on a different platform, for sure.


On that point, Steam blocks AO games in a number of countries across the world (Australia, Japan, Germany etc.) so people living there literally can't wishlist or buy the game normally. Just mentioning this to make sure you're not too upset if it turns out a lot of people haven't wishlisted and won't buy the game.


As other folks stated, Steam currently doesn't allow the game to even be found in Germany, so no wishlisting it unfortunately. Because of that annoying policy I won't purchase it on Steam, either - though I'm open to do so on other platforms such as GOG.


I have a private steam account, where it's Wishlisted. No plan to separately buy though, as I have kept the Patreon running for a few years. $200+ in total already. Hopefully the lower wishlist to sales conversion rate doesn't affect how Steam views the game too much.


Wishlisted FF, Patreon'd for copy, can’t buy on Steam due to Region Restriktion


Wishlisted FF, Patreon'd for copy, will receive complimentary Steam copy for help with localization.


I'm ignoring steam because I strongly dislike DRM. I buy games, I don't rent them. So I'm glad you're providing multiple options :) If been backing the game on and off for a relatively long time - so I don't intent to buy it. However I'm open to supporting future projects as well as long as I find them interesting ;)