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I really hate to do this, but...

During the making the NextFest demo, we found a LOT of bugs, on top of what bugs we already have.

(If you want to see that list of bugs, it's at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d9ZnGfEd01oWYgCRriPkiYAQIm3kirK3ehX9aXrf6rM/edit?usp=sharing)

Along with what content we've got left to do (remaining script and voicework, true final boss, achievements, soundtrack mastering), we realized that if we released in March, Future Fragments would not only be missing core content, it'd be a buggy mess.

So, we've sadly moved the release date to "Spring 2022". That means sometime between now and the end of May.

Even if it's going to skyrocket our debt even more, even if it's going to mean I have to eat ramen daily, we don't want to release the game incomplete or in a poor state with tons of bugs in it; that's just how it is.

To be clear, we're not talking about "continuing development forever to make a perfect game"; there's a lot of content we've already decided not to do and even more we've got planned for post-release. This is entirely about the core game content not being done yet and needing time to bug-test it to get rid of the worst bugs.

You can read more about specific issues we need to complete and time-sinks here; https://rentry.co/FFspring2022 



Never need to apologize for making sure the game is good.

Damien Jacobs

have any of the bugs inspired you to add or alter the game, such as an odd interaction or side effect becoming a feature or ability?


Totally understandable c: I would also rather wait until you are comfortable with the game :D


As someone who just found this game in January, I appreciate the open honesty about everything. You guys take the time you need. I've been hyped for games in the past from triple A developers and disappointed upon release (Looking at you Battlefield 4. You left console players high and dry for months with maps crashes.) I personally would rather wait another year for this to be released rather than get a pile of crap you fix over months of updates. Keep doing what you do. Make your game to your standards. :)


It's all good. I am completely fine with waiting for a good release then a super buggy one.


A finished job tomorrow is better than an unfinished job today.

Meak Lander

Better to find them early then after release, and you don't have a marketing team forcing you to put out sloppy work like EA


Nah, they've mostly been just stuff like "If you do this, enemies completely ignore your damage" or "enemies are ignoring damage when they shouldn't be" type bugs. However, there WAS one interesting thing that brought up a number of small changes; one of the testers discovered that they were colorblind as a result of one of the boss fights making no sense to them. So, we changed the GUI for that fight somewhat to make it more clear what you need to do even if you're colorblind. That same tester also got headaches when looking at the databank screens; turns out that green text with white next to it can cause headaches if it's on a red background, so we're going to put in an alternate toggle to switch databank text etc. to blue instead if people are colorblind.


It takes as long as it takes




Its ok stuff like this happens take your time and don't overwork yourselves we're here to support and help you when a problem appears.


Am I slightly annoyed? Sure. Do I understand the 1st thing about making a video games? Absolutely not! It is all good. I would much rather have a complete & great game than a garbage, half baked one. Keep on killing it 😁

Alvin Franco

Been waiting on this game for years! I’d hate for all that patience and hype to be for nothing by having it finally come out and it sucks… Do what you gotta do, and I hope you at least enjoy the finest Top Ramen!


Shit happens. We've been waiting long enough, we can wait a bit more. Much rather a game be solid then buggy as hell. We have too much of that in the industry.

Derrick Trylch

Take all the time you need


I also agree with the choice to extend the release. Better have a robust game than a bug-infested version.


If the delay is caused by programming issues but not art issues, would that mean the artist might be freed up to make more content? Like h-game over screens or something like that? Because if that is the case, that would rock because more h-content is never a bad thing


take youre time were in no rush<3 i want a 150% finished game and i know you guys can do 200% i believe in you<3


They're pretty ironclad in not wanting to work on anymore content; to be clear, they still have things to work on, it's just not nearly the amount of content remaining that needs to be done for programming and writing and etc. Sorry! There's always the sequel though :)


Absolutely fair. Extra feature creep at this stage of the game miiiight not be the best idea


I am 100% in the camp of "delay release, fix bugs" over "rush release, bug-riddled." Take your time to make it to your satisfaction. We are here because we support you and your work, not because we want quick and dirty. ^_^


Better safe then sorry Or much rather better safe then Cyberpunk it. My support for the game started and it can only increase.