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I've just finished sending out all the $5 tier questionnaires for Feb. and January.

This will be the 2nd to last time we'll be sending these out.

We'll send them out a final time for anyone who backs us in March, but on March 15th, we'll be closing down submissions for the $5 tier level names in the credits.

This is because we need enough time to actually get them in the credit reel, etc.

If you haven't gotten an email from us and you've backed us at the $5 tier before, and you haven't submitted a name for the $5 tier before, then check in your spam for an email from "hentaiwriterpatreonrewards@gmail.com".


Additionally, there are a number of you who have submitted $5 credits names that have issues.

These names would cause issues either due to legal reasons (name of a company or famous person or famous character, or something similar), or being potentially offensive, or not working with our in-game font (odd characters).

If you're one of the people whose names are on this list, please PM me ASAP on here, or on Discord at https://discord.gg/puXrfSm, so we can get this fixed.

Here's the list of names:

  • 'Destro
  • 101st.Snake
  • 6897110
  • Agent47
  • Aidol
  • Aion The Jackal
  • AK
  • Albern Production
  • Aleksandria Novikov
  • Alex Casey
  • Alex R.
  • Alfie
  • Andrew Orozco
  • Andyasteroids
  • Apriline
  • Aquaberry Dollfin
  • Ardent Arrow
  • artfish
  • ASK
  • Auriel
  • Avior
  • Bailey Tallman
  • Bantamu
  • BigDaddyDonuts
  • BlackHeart
  • blargsnarf
  • BNova
  • Boda
  • Breck
  • Bronyel
  • Bugspit
  • Bulbazord
  • C.J. Perez
  • Cellion
  • Christopher Vaerten
  • Citizen 7
  • Colin the Insane
  • Craig Watson
  • Curtis G.
  • Daddy Cool
  • Dallas Howard
  • Dashers
  • Davion "DMAP" FireHeart
  • Dax
  • DemiDemon
  • Dick Johnson
  • DillOnWheat
  • Docahbear
  • DragoEclipse
  • DRi300
  • Eddie ”FieryDawn” Kurtén
  • Emzzy
  • Erwin
  • FB04
  • fdg217
  • Fisto the Orc
  • Flesk
  • Furfemboy
  • Gad
  • Gamehugger
  • Garen W.
  • GraMMa
  • H.F.O.H.
  • Haylen H.N.
  • HolmesLupin
  • Holo
  • Inali
  • InfernoStar
  • Isces
  • Ivan Crossways
  • Jack Harlow
  • Jafar from Afar
  • James Gray
  • Jay B.
  • Jindary
  • Joakim Åkerman
  • Joep
  • Joeymlb
  • John Fuller
  • Jon Becker
  • Jonathan Larson
  • JupiterJazz
  • Justin Kuykendall
  • Jymba
  • Kace
  • Kaitlyn Peterson
  • Kalan
  • KamenAkuma
  • Kevin L.
  • Khonza
  • KidDarkness
  • Kilik D Sparta
  • Koni
  • Kosa
  • KSJ
  • Kumii
  • L Williams
  • LaGalleta
  • Longrod Von Hugendong
  • LorianS
  • Lotus Lee
  • LuckyStar
  • LuNa
  • Marcus Mendoza
  • McDerpalds
  • Melman
  • Memelad 420
  • Memoria
  • Midnight Koi
  • Mike Honcho
  • Miragian
  • Mirelon
  • missingno.
  • MonHunny
  • Mr. Nancy
  • Mr. Smith
  • Mrdudeguy
  • Myles
  • MynameisMud
  • N3XT
  • Nandez
  • Nazzan
  • Nick "The RED one" Starr
  • NOTY
  • Oddone
  • Ogrebattler
  • Oliver.J.W
  • Ominus
  • Orgasmatron Prime
  • Orothrim
  • Otaku Apologist.tumblr
  • Oyazi
  • Panaku
  • Princeofdolalmroth
  • ProjectSeraph
  • Reallo
  • Reddog
  • RGene
  • Rin Best
  • Roman S.
  • Rowan Valentine
  • RTM
  • Ryan Fraley
  • Ryfle
  • Sabe
  • Saberlife
  • SanseyBoy
  • Saus-baus
  • SD511
  • Shadowstorm
  • Shane Campbell
  • Sir Kingslee
  • Sir Lance
  • SiYeong Kim
  • Slawter
  • Sneaky Kitty
  • SovietWomble
  • StarKiller
  • Taki
  • takkubun
  • Taraux
  • Tarro
  • Tazok
  • TehSoulja
  • TGA
  • The Golden Boy
  • The Masked Man
  • The Necromancer
  • The PolterGhost
  • TheDrzombie
  • TheKAF
  • Tim K.
  • Toasted Ghost
  • Travis Buck
  • True Blackychan
  • Ty the Guy
  • Velgarn
  • Whirrun
  • William Patton
  • xAzathothx
  • xMaasH
  • xSpirec
  • XxKratosxX
  • Yoko-Chan
  • Yumi
  • Zeru


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