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Bad news first; Cheshire's told me it's unlikely he's going to get things fixed before the end of the month because things have basically ballooned up error-wise, and most of it comes from his own inconsistencies in coding the GameMaker version, so it's basically just time-consuming to search through and find everything, but he IS doing it nonstop (I've been emailing him back and forth every day about this).

He basically doesn't want to release it with the growing number of errors he's finding in the build now, but he says it shouldn't be too much longer past the end of the month if he can't get it done before the 31st is up.

Good news, now:

- This doesn't mean the demo is going to be another month before it's done (or at least it shouldn't, because of the following reasons down below);

- I've begun interviewing C++ coders, I've got two of them right now with a lot of prestige/experience, and if I can get them on ASAP, then I'm going to have Cheshire send me what he's got and these guys can hopefully team up with him to find all the inconsistencies and finish it off ASAP as sort of a "initiation".

- If the demo does indeed fail to get out by the end of the month, then anyone who successfully pledged this month gets not only this upcoming demo, but the next demo we release without having to pledge anything for the next one.

- From Monday onwards, if the demo's not out, we're going to start posting animations again weekly; for those of you who don't want animations spoiled, we'll be posting them in the text as a link, so you can click it to see the animation.

- We're also looking into getting Cheshire moved into his own office or even another town in Poland, because having his internet drop out frequently just isn't excusable anymore, which also causes delays of course.

- Finally, we'll be doing all the things we mentioned in https://www.patreon.com/posts/policy-changes-6149229

- Refunds, as always, are available, if you haven't already been sent a demo/editor/sound pack etc.

We're incredibly sorry about this, and we're making steps to fix this situation so it hopefully never happens again, per the changes above. We really do appreciate your patience, and trust me... this is incredibly rage-inducing and humiliating for us, also.



Sucky, that the transfer is not doing as you want. But I gotta ask how will "If the demo does indeed fail to get out by the end of the month, then anyone who successfully pledged this month gets not only this upcoming demo, but the next demo we release without having to pledge anything for the next one." be a way to say sorry for the delay to people that do not unplead? as it is monthly we will be changed no matter. Personaly I am not close to leaving but it is annoying to see this delay, it does make the develop look way disorderly, which sucks. I hope that it works out.


<a href="http://i.imgur.com/HTisMpC.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/HTisMpC.jpg</a>


If he can't get it out, if we can't make it, it shouldn't happen. These are key words that some people just don't want to hear. It sounds like a wild disorderly farm from my perspective, as if you guys don't really know what you're doing. Very disappointed. We've been lied to and now we have to wait anyway. With a $10 pledge I hope to actually get the game if and when it's finished, but my excitement for this is simply shot. Nothing goes smoothly with this project. Nothing.


The animations and such are another way to say sorry, but it's all we can really do, aside from refunds (which we're also offering of course). Trust me, it's incredibly frustrating for us also, because we hate letting people down AND we hate people not feeling like they're getting their money's worth, too. Like, I've probably got an ulcer now at this point from stress. There's no real way to suddenly magically make Cheshire work any faster than he already is, and there's no one who can replace him, but we are hiring on additional programmers to prevent things like this from happening, as noted. On Triangulate's/my end of things, things are still progressing steadily; we have all the cutscenes for the fire/ice levels "storyboarded" out, and Triangulate has multiple enemies from the Electric level done already, etc. The choke point is basically that Cheshire is so far behind because he was converting the engine all this time, so hopefully once he works through all these bugs and such then he'll be able to catch up (he did implement everything Triangulate had done for the Ice Level minus the Ice Boss in just a few days, so that was like 2 months of work coded in just a few days, but then things started getting unstable with the conversion, and... yeah..)


This is kind of exaggerating things; - We never actually lied about anything, as we actually were positive that things were working fine. Lying would be if I said things were fine, but nothing actually existed etc. - A "wild and disorderly" farm is also an exaggeration; Triangulate and I have been continually putting out work and showing it weekly on posts for months now, and I've kept everyone updated weekly with progress and been pretty transparent about things. - About not knowing what we're doing, I can't magically make Cheshire's code work, nor can I make him work any faster than he already is. We've outlined in multiple posts now plans to remedy the situation by hiring other people as well as many other things, and with Cheshire and I having both completed games prior to this, it's not like this is our first game. - Claiming that nothing goes smoothly is downright false, lol, due to all the above. (To be honest, your expectations of what a small, 3-person indie team is capable of might be a bit more than what is actually possible, given your pledge history, as it seems you've pledged to a number of h-games and stopped pledging to them recently.) I mean, I'm as frustrated as you are, but please don't go exaggerating things to sound like this is the biggest trainwreck on Patreon or something. We're definitely upset about this, and we don't want to make delays on demos like this the norm, but we *are* making progress on the game, daily, and that hasn't stopped since the day we started the game. Honestly, you'd be pretty hard pressed to find a three person team that doesn't have problems and delays like this, whether on Patreon or off of it. That doesn't make it excusable, but it does mean it's something that we can only try our best to prevent from happening, as we're only human. The main difference is that I actually am up front with this kind of stuff and transparent about it, whereas most other projects simply won't say anything about it and just go silent on updates or silent on posts. If people would prefer I just do that instead of continuing weekly updates, I genuinely would be okay with this, but from prior posts people have voiced that they'd rather I stay transparent and keep giving updates, even if it's bad news. As far as the $10 pledge, a refund is still on the table if you want it, but if you refuse the refund, you'll still get the game at launch, of course.


well then boss animation for next post plz? lol indeed it is frustrating for me since i was rly hopinh for new demo b4 the end of july but it is also understandable that sometimes it is hard for even one project to complete in time. i also know the problems with programming since i did worked with programmers n their agony in fixing bugs. im not crazily angry about the delay but also not happy either. keep up the good work n one more thing. ches needs to organize his programming. one of key reasons microsoft dropped pinball as their built-in game was severely disorganized coding for pinball for other programmers to see n fix the previous coding by old programmers. idk whether he is like this or not, but that disorganized coding u mentioned reminds me of that. if done right, itd be much better for him n other programmers u interviewed. keep me posted n looking forward to new demo (or boss animation :P)


I for one don't mind a delay, honestly if people mad at this then think of this guy's and gals would you rather have a game full of bugs and glitches and a few game breaking bugs to or would you rather have polished well made and maintained game but just have to wait alil longer I would rather wait and know the team who made it actually gave it their best effort to make sure it works right for us rather then them rushing it out and not giving two shits example: Batman Arkem Knight for pc so thank you to writer and your team for working hard and trying to make sure the game works demo or not it is appreciated

Jason Bill

Well, this is disappointing. That being said, I can't say I'm too surprised. I had mostly written you guys off before in terms of dates and deadlines. I really hoped that after that period of time without them you guys would sorta surprise us with something on time. I wouldn't want you to release it buggy. Still though, it would have been nice to see it today. Oh well. On the positive side of things, I'm happy to see you'll be posting animations in text form from now on. Would we be able to get that with enemy/boss designs as well? I'm sure many of us would like to not be spoiled as much as possible.

Polk Kitsune

It may be some bad news, but you're working hard on it. That's what counts, I'd say. Hiring more people should help. I do believe someone said: It may take a little longer to release a good game, but a bad game is bad forever. Take your time, polish it at best you can, I'm sure some of us can be patient. ;3


Mildly disappointing, but it's not something that will end my life any time soon. It's always best to have a solid and workable demo after all. Lord knows a couple more days won't make me regret my contribution up to this point. On a completely separate note, I had a question on other characters. Is there any plan to add any other female characters besides the two that are already known? Such as enemy characters with the same-sex style animations? Just a curiosity is all.


Yeah, agreed on the organization thing. I think a large part of it was that when we started this all out, we were going to use GameMaker, and we intended to do the C++ conversion like, before we even finished the Fire Level. However, the monthly demo thing prevented us from doing a full conversion, as we were just starting to get attention, and we didn't want to slam on the brakes without even releasing a demo (i.e. without providing proof that we were indeed serious about this), so we waited... and waited.... and now, this far into things, it's like the difference between trying to clean your room (had we done it early on), and cleaning a mansion (what we're dealing with now). So some of the code that Cheshire's done for the game essentially hasn't been touched in 9+ months, because all the Ice Level stuff has been layered over it, etc. and he's having to convert three times what he was originally planning to, so yeah, from this point forward things SHOULD be a lot smoother now that he's cleaned up all of that mess, as it were.


Yeah, we definitely want a game that people are going to play and be like "wow, I feel like $10 was easily worth this game, if not more". The good thing is that while delays are happening with demos, actual progress is still happening with the overall game, and it takes a lot shorter of a period of time for Cheshire to implement stuff in the game that Triangulate's done (overall), so provided Cheshire fixes this stuff and once he gets the cutscene/animation/etc. editors done, he should be able to catch up with all of Triangulate's stuff pretty quickly. The only real hurdle programming-wise left after all that will be the bosses for each stage, which will basically require unique code for each encounter, because the bosses are so drastically different from each of the existing enemies/events in the game. Thanks for your understanding though (and everyone's understanding) in the comments, the last thing we want to do is be Breeding Season 2.0 and make you all feel like your money isn't being used effectively (aka that this game is something you felt you wasn't worth your time), and that's also why we offer refunds, as well. This game is pretty much our passion; we don't want to half-ass anything just to get your money, but we also realize we can't work on it for 20 years, so we're trying to get it out as fast as possible while maintaining quality.


From the last post, we definitely won't miss deadlines anymore because we simply won't give out deadlines until whatever we're releasing is literally done, in our hands, complete, with no bugs, and then on top of that we'll give ourselves another week to make even MORE sure that things are fine. I can definitely do boss/enemy designs as links also; would it be cool if I posted a silhouette of the art or something as the main post (so you know an animation is being posted), and then the actual link would be in the post text? That way, people would know something art-wise was being posted, but it wouldn't give it away (think like the "Who's That Pokemon?" bumpers on the original Pokemon show).


Yeah, that's pretty much what we're going for. We could half-ass this and cut corners and make a decent game, but we'd rather make something that people play and go "wow, this was a fucking experience", or at the very least, they come away from it feeling that they didn't just waste the last 10 or so hours playing it. That said, we don't want to make this the next Duke Nukem Forever either, so we are still aiming to get this out sometime by late 2017 or so, completed, if all goes well. Don't take that as a deadline though, take that as a goal for us to strive for.


As far as female characters at ALL, there likely will be some female NPCs for cutscenes and the like, but as far as actual characters that would get in sex animations or be enemies, unfortunately not, just simply because Triangulate isn't into yuri scenes at all. (If you are into yuri though, I'm working on two other games that are entirely yuri-based, right now, as game designer/writer; you can check them out at <a href="http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter">http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter</a> and <a href="http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality">http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality</a> . Neither game impacts my work on this game; I'm making sure to keep up with this with as much as I can do for it possible, so there's never a point where say, Triangulate/Cheshire can't move on without me, etc.)


If I wasnt working on my own apps id so help with this


If you ever do get the time and you do want to help out, hentaiwriter@gmail.com drop me a line there!


I know it's waaaay too early to say, but remember one of the goals was a spin-off game about Faye. Is that still going to be a thing?


Yep, partially accomplished in this game, partially accomplished in an actual sequel. As to how it'll be accomplished in this game partially, that's a surprise.




Another question - concerning the demo. How long did Ches estimated for bug fixing? This should at least be addressed to let ppl know in order for us backers to know how long we should wait. No clear indication I can see in your current post. Not exact date we need but we at least need some kind of assumption/estimation. Another thing - you guys should also do another streaming around Friday night or so (prolly Saturday morning in my area). It would be extremely helpful in getting feedbacks, setting goals, and etc.


He's estimating to the end of the first week of August, so the 6th or so, but again, he also estimated the original bug fix would take like 3 days, so now I've told him from now on to give me any estimates as a WORST case scenario, not BEST case, as he'd been doing before. Once the actual demo's out to everyone, we'll definitely be streaming it; we just didn't want to stream prior to this as it would likely lead to a lot of confusion. Absolutely on the Picarto stream though once the demo comes out, and once Cheshire gets the cutscene editor finished after this demo's out (which is going to be the next focus after this demo gets out, as well as the animation editor and HTML5 demo, so we can afford to hire backup programmers, making those the last three "not directly working on demos" hurdles on Cheshire's end), I'll be able to do weekly streams as well showing my progress on working on cutscenes and maps.