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So I mentioned this in the comments of the previous post, but we got together and decided on some internal policy changes to make the game be completed faster, to get demos out more reliably, and to not get people's hopes up unless things are guaranteed to be done on time.

Here's the things we'll be changing;

- All future deadlines for anything (demos, for example) will only be announced when we not only have the thing in hand, but it's been extensively tested by multiple people and we have zero doubt that it's ready to go. Once everything is ready for a demo, we'll give it another few days just in case something bizarre happens, but this should cut down on the times we miss deadlines drastically.

- To further prevent programming delays due to events outside of Cheshire's control (internet, electricity, etc.), once we get the HTML5 Newgrounds demo out around September and pledges for the game (likely) go way up, we'll be able to afford hiring on a backup programmer that will jump in and continue programming any time Cheshire's stuff malfunctions. They'd be paid per days of work, so if we needed them for say, 4 days out of a given month when Cheshire's stuff got fucked up, then they'd get 4/30th (or 29 or 31, however many days that month has) of Cheshire's pay for that month. (We're not hiring on the programmer to work in tandem, full time with Cheshire, as this would create a lot of logistics issues and conflicting code with the way Cheshire codes stuff.)

- Cheshire will be uploading the source code every month to his own backup devices, as well as Google Drive, to make absolutely sure there's no way anything bad could happen to it due to theft or accidents or etc. (By the way, all content for this game is property of the game, so if any of you fear a Breeding Season scenario where someone leaves and takes all of the game's content with them, that won't happen here. That said, none of us are going to leave this game, regardless, but I figured I'd let you all know that just in case anyone was worried about that.)


Additionally, there's a number of Patron-Only posts that I hadn't replied to yet, because I didn't even know they existed thanks to Patreon's new setup for Patron-Only posts, so if you made any of those since April, I've replied to all of them now. (Feel free to post more of them asking questions, too, or just PM me, or email me at hentaiwriter@gmail.com!)


As far as the actual demo goes, Cheshire is still working on things; I'll keep everyone updated on it, of course. (A regular post will be out tomorrow, and if we don't make it by the 30th, I'll start posting sex animations weekly again until we do.) Also, if you paid $5 or more for this month successfully, and the demo isn't out by the 30th, you'll get that demo AND next month's demo without needing to pay anything extra.

As far as what I'm doing, I'm just doing various bits and pieces around the game's structure, mainly the databanks because they'll have to be reworked for all the new maps, as well as for the new gold/silver databank split, etc.

Triangulate is continuing work on the Electric Level enemies; he's just sent me over the walking animation for the huge robot, and it looks pretty slick, haha. I'll try to convince him to let me post it for tomorrow's post, possibly.

As always, thanks for sticking with us; remember that progress on the game towards the finished game continues regardless of delays with demos, but we also want to get you playable demos quickly and consistently because if it wasn't for all of you, this game wouldn't exist.



Updates on this game are already more reliable than most H-games, *cough* Kyrieru *cough* MitsukoX *cough* so I'm not complaining, but thanks for caring, anyway! I'm curious about that "Breeding Season scenario", though.


Sounds good and we live and we learn but a good idea to not promis more then what is as close to 100% sure


There's a lotttt more going on than just what I'm about to say, but the tl;dr is that the programmer for Breeding Season signed a contract with the artist for the game that said that the artist owned everything they made for the game. So when things went sour for a year plus between the two (like, we three on the game have our disagreements, but never to the level the BS guys did), the artist started a new, nearly identical project behind the programmer's back, then took all their assets from Breeding Season and left with them, leaving the game with very little, if any actual art left, effectively gutting the entire game and ending the Patreon campaign. With our setup, this is literally an impossibility, so yeah.


Thanks for the update, it's things like this that keeps my head held high and glad to be contributing to this game. You guys are always on top of things and adapting to make sure things get done. Keep up the good work guys, looking forward to the end result.


Haw haw! What a terrible life lesson for the programmer. I sure am glad I'm supporting the right kind of people. *tries to high five HentaiWriter*


It wasn't terrible life lesson for him because it was dickwardxasshole situation, that programmer was literally not giving a shit to do his job as project manager and behaves like little child, seriously look at that <a href="http://breedingseasongame.blogspot.com/2016/07/breeding-season-is-over-s-purple-has.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://breedingseasongame.blogspot.com/2016/07/breeding-season-is-over-s-purple-has.html</a> and now <a href="http://s-purple.tumblr.com/post/147484294391/breeding-seasons-cancelation-my-side-of-the" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://s-purple.tumblr.com/post/147484294391/breeding-seasons-cancelation-my-side-of-the</a> while artist behaved like asshole at least he still wants to do hgame, where's programmer? He took his share of money and disappeared from the scene. Not to mention that SPurple is trying <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/former-breeding-6097233">https://www.patreon.com/posts/former-breeding-6097233</a> that's pretty sweet deal considering that we can redeem it anytime during development.


im just waiting anxiously for the new demo...a month late...geez


Actually, it's not late at all yet; it's still in the same month we promised it/same month people got charged for. It'd be a month late if we didn't have it done by August 30th, etc. (and hey, if we don't make it by the end of the month, you all get this demo plus next month's free!)


Good to know. I'll be patient. You guys are doing well with what you have so I don't mind waiting. Now, lemme see if Mystic holds that gym down the street...

Jason Bill

It certainly isn't a month late. I find it a bit disingenuous to say that it isn't late at all though. Almost a week. And that amount of time isn't really a huge deal. Still though. I really do hope we'll be seeing it in the next couple days.


Yeah, we are a week past the 23rd, but what I meant was that if people pledged for this month's demo, they haven't been charged again yet, etc. as long as we get it out by the 30th

Jonathan Marlow

today's the day! how about that demo?