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So the following is a list of what we CURRENTLY plan to change/add to the game as a whole, along with some adjustments to the Fire Level, etc.

As with anything, this list will change over time to add even more things, but we figured you'd wanna see what's coming up so far;

ADDITIONS TO THE GAME (currently planned, we'll be adding more over time):

- Add interactive, playable tutorial to beginning of game; will be set in the year 1000, before Talia/Faye go to the year 3000, where the King teaches the player the basics of the game

- Add an opening cinematic in the year 1000 that covers the basics of the game's storyline & shows the girls teleporting to the year 3000

- Add save pad animation

- Add crouching shot for Talia

- Add extra language support (Spanish, Japanese, more languages coming)

- Add in-game menu with running tallies of what you have/haven’t done

- Add many more cutscenes per level that will flesh out the story (some with hentai, some without)

- Add more cutscene differences based on what databanks you've read and what other cutscenes you've seen (different lines of dialogue/parts of the storyline revealed, essentially)

- Add more of the ongoing mystery within the databanks and game’s storyline the player will have to solve (we already have a bit of it in the Fire Level demo databanks, but of course this is a very bare bones thing, it'll be much more fleshed out and in-depth for the final version of the game)

- Add background parallax scrolling (multiple layers)

- Add dynamic lighting (projectiles and light sources will light up the environment around them in real time, with less light on the background layers from parallax)

- Add dynamic music composed by CheshireCat (for an example of what dynamic music sounds like; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19Njdd2TKhg go to about 50 seconds in, the music changes there when the battle starts; we'd be employing this to have the music change in real time when enemies get within range, or if you have a boss nearly dead, or if YOU'RE the one at low life, etc.)

- Add 3D sound (so you can tell where enemies and effects are at by the sound alone)

- Add game over screen for if the player quits (and game over CGs if we meet the stretch goal on Patreon to hire CG artists!)

- Add extra mechanics for the vents in the Fire Level to accommodate more complex puzzles for them

- Add options menu with re-configurable controls, audio options, and more

- Add cutscenes where Talia reacts to databanks with a short, spoken out loud, one or two sentence summary regarding her personal opinion on what she's just read

- Add between-level sex animations that you'll be able to see if you get all the databanks in a level; how this fits in the game's lore will be shown in the actual game with cutscenes and actions, as it's rather long to explain here

- Add a visual indicator to show “mana recharging” for Talia’s abilities she gets from each of the level bosses

- Add “skip cutscene” button to instantly skip past cutscenes you've seen once before

- Add a cutscene editor that Patrons will get also if they're at the Editor tier levels, allowing them to make their own cutscenes

- Add a gallery that lets you watch all available animations + cutscenes with original step by step dialogue or just straight up animation loops

- Add a sound test to listen to the music in the game

- Add visual filters/polish for certain events

- Add camera zooming in/out for certain events

- And of course, adding all the stuff we already said we'd add, like 4 enemies and a boss to each level after the Fire level (so 25+ enemies across the game), with two sex animations each (so 50+ sex animations across the game), and five total levels, all that good stuff

CHANGES TO PRE-EXISTING CONTENT (currently planned, we'll be altering other things as we go and see fit):

- Change Talia's charge shot to have two levels, with the first level being a shot that goes through all enemies but does a small amount of damage (equal to a normal shot), and the second level only hits one enemy, but does a ton of damage (equal to the current charge shot's damage)

- Change health system for normal difficulty mode (easy mode is staying unchanged); team is currently discussing how best to rework this, currently leaning on removal of "health regen without doing anything for it" and adding in incentives to kill enemies to keep your health up somehow, but this is up in the air for now

- Change the design of the text boxes and fonts to custom designs/fonts

- Change Fire Level maps to accommodate all the changes in the engine/gameplay as time goes on

- Change game's engine to C++ (currently, it's in GameMaker, but 90% of the code is already in C++, but doing this will make the game run much faster on most people's computers, as well as allowing us to make many of the aesthetic and gameplay improvements we've got on this list)

- Change databank aesthetics to have different colors/visual effects to differentiate the “type” of storyline they have within them (core storyline, useful tutorial-esque info, or just regular databanks)

- Change the Fire Level boss fight mechanics/gimmicks to be more complex and action-based, while removing the current RNG in said battle and making things a lot more fair (but still challenging!)

- Change enemy death animations to be more “satisfying”

- Change the hitboxes for all enemies to be more accurate to their sprites

- Change the level editor to be much more fluid/easy to use

Finally, we'll be re-tuning all maps for all levels, upon finishing each level, to better fit whatever additions have been made to the game’s engine, gameplay, aesthetics, so on.



- Change Talia's charge shot to have two levels, with the first level being a shot that goes through all enemies but does a small amount of damage (equal to a normal shot), and the second level only hits one enemy, but does a ton of damage (equal to the current charge shot's damage) This doesn't seem like a good idea. The level 1 charge seems pretty worthless. No point spending time charging if it only does the same damage as an uncharged shot. Even if it goes through people, you'd probably be better of just spamming normals instead. The second level allows you to oneshot weak enemies, but only one at a time. Making it weaker than the one you currently have. As it stands, the normal shot feels fairly unsatisfying, and the chargeshot takes more than one hit just to kill one of the zombies. (one charge, one normal, IIRC) if chargeshots doesn't have the power to oneshot weaklings AND the utility to do it to several of them at the same time, then I don't see the point in even using them.


Everything else sounds great though. Oh, a minor nitpick that I keep forgetting about. One of the filters in the game makes the game look like ass. I think it's the one you enable/disable with H? I keep forgetting because i disable it immediately when I start playing, because it adds a blur effect to the whole screen. I'm not quite sure what the intent was when you added it, because I don't see a point at all Unless it's supposed to simulate heat-shimmer on the fire level?) but it seems to slow the game down just a tad, and it makes it hard to tell what's going on. Frankly it makes the game look like a youtube video set on low quality, If I wanted to play a blurry game, I'd just take my glasses off. Now, all whining aside, the fact that I can just turn it off with a single button is absolutely great. It never has to impact my experience with your game at all, so there's no real reason to complain. I'm just kind of confused as to why it even exists. Does adding a layer to obscure your vision really add to the experience for some people? Maybe I'm just biased against the effect because I wear glasses, so I've come to hate the idea of something like that.

Secular Reason

Have to kind of agree here... Maybe go back to the original charged shot, but change it so that it weakens a bit for every enemy it goes through until it fades completely?


To paraphrase what I replied to on ULMF; This actually doesn't make the charge shot useless, because we're going to have a wide variety of enemies, remember :P There will be some enemies that will spawn in the double digits each time you see them, but will have low life, so... Conversely, there will be some enemies that will remain invincible unless hit with a level 2 charge shot, which will break their force field, for just one instance. (Also, to be clear, the time it takes to charge a shot in game right now is 1/4th of a second. :P I'd say that's pretty short, haha.) And sure, you could spam normals... but what if something is chasing you down, FAST, and you need to be able to turn around, fire off a shot, and keep running? (Yes, there are going to be enemies like this that will be much faster than you that you'll need to maneuver around; stopping won't be an option unless you want to take damage) We'll play with the damage levels, we might make the first tier a bit stronger (around 30 HP damage), but we wouldn't put it in the game if there wasn't a use for it. We want enemies in this game to be treated individually, not just cannon fodder you blow through, hence why the enemies from the Ice Level onwards will be more complex than those in the Fire Level by a long shot. You know how bosses in Megaman need specific strategies or weapons to take care of them? That's how we want each enemy in this game to be. Also take into account that Talia will have extra powers in future levels that will make her even stronger (for example, the fire dash currently does a staggering 100 HP damage); if we don't tone down her regular damage, she'll be a powerhouse by level 3 that will basically be able to just hold right and blow through everything effortlessly, haha. As with everything, we'll be balancing it out, but right now, the current charge shot has to go.


This is actually a neat idea, and we might try to implement this and test it out to see if it works.


Pressing H actually does damage to you, the other filters currently are B for motion blur (ice level demo only), F for "fringe", N for "noise", and L for "lines". That's actually something Cheshire wanted to add, personally, I prefer the game without any filters as well, but as it's an option, and the player can disable it, yeah, we'll probably leave it in. We might have it set so the player starts off without any filters, or it remembers their preferences once we get an options screen in, etc.


I believe I was talking about F then, not H. My mistake.


These sound all good! May I make a few more suggestions? One I would love to see some level hazards besides just death pits and Lava. My idea was that in the Lava level have pipes that drip magma at a regular basis and in the ice level have hanging icicles that drop as you pass under them (So you have to run quickly though or bait them by running under them then back) and while we are on the topic of death pits and lava maybe not have them be deadly? Like when Talia touches the death trigger of the pit or lava have her teleport back to where she last jumped in a dizzy state (She is a witch after all and teleporting is mentally straining ^^) My second suggestion is collectible pictures. I know you got like a collectable mentality with the terminals but I think finding sexy pictures that are tricky to get and have their own puzzles would add a bit to the game. I'm thinking like the 100% gamers that must find everything and not just beat the game. You could have a gallery in the main menu.


Each level we'll have two separate gimmicks on; the icicles you mention we've already implemented in the Ice level, actually :P We MIGHT implement something like that in the Fire Level, but as it's really similar to what we already have in the Ice level, it's likely we won't, unfortunately. The teleportation stuff actually wouldn't work lore-wise, although it is a neat idea, haha. Same with the collectible pictures; the big problem with this is that that's even more work for Triangulate, if we were hiring CG artists once we break that $8000 monthly level then we could afford to have game over CGs, but collecting CGs of sexy stuff would really be lore-breaking :P We will have a gallery though that will show all the animations for a level once you've beaten it, and that includes cutscenes as well, which you can replay with the text/sound or just showing off the animation loops :)


I didn't think of that, but i actually like that too. Then again, I kinda want to enter a room that's just packed full of grunts, and see how many I can take out with a single shot. Best case (for coolness factor, if not practicality) is having the charged shot move at the same speed as your character runs, so on flat ground you can fire it then chase after it to keep it on screen, and clear a whole level with one shot. Obviously not practical though.