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We're still discussing how to revamp the health system, but we'd like to get some data from everyone so we can basically narrow it down more to see what the majority of you would prefer;


The poll is basically three choices, and it's for normal mode only at this point, not easy mode;
- Do you want Talia to get health from enemies (directly, with health drops, or whatever other method) and have her regen removed entirely
- Do you want Talia to get regen from enemies (directly, with health drops, or whatever other method) and have her natural, idle regen removed

- Do you want things to stay as they are now (Talia has constant, natural regen when idle for more than a few seconds, doesn't get any benefit from killing enemies)



I say the second. Similar to what i posted not long ago on the other poll. You could have Talia stun the grunts using normal attacks, which would allow her to siphon energy from them through a small little, h-scene like with the wounded grunt, oral, etc. (i mean she IS a mage, no telling what you can do with magick and a little creativity) For all other enemies you could have it as a sort of random health drop if she finishes them with a normal attack rather than a charge attack, as well as having healing stations in different areas on the levels, which would give more incentive to explore and find the consoles for back story and such. I think it would add incentive to fight the enemies which could play into the whole killing enemies for gallery unlocks, as well as add a bit more tactical approach to the game so as to limit people running around with x charging the whole time


This post isn't meant to come off as mean, of course, but just pointing out why we can't do the things you listed; they're good ideas, but for this game, they wouldn't really work. To be clear, we're not gonna have any sort of hentai stuff ever factor into normal battle stuff; Talia has zero desire to actually fuck the enemies in the levels :P and doing so wouldn't make any sense lore-wise why she would regain health from it, etc. A lot of people say that since she's a mage we can work something in there, but due to a lot of reasons lore-wise, we actually are really limited as to how we can utilize that part of her character, for reasons you'll find out later on in the story :P Healing stations would also not really make any sense for the various lore reasons too, unfortunately (why would enemies in the year 3000 have something that would heal a magician's aura from the year 1000, etc.) And lastly, you don't get gallery unlocks by killing enemies, you get em by just finishing the level and/or getting databanks :P


No offense taken mate ;). Was just and idea, its why your the creator and im a patreon lol.


Say the delay before healing started was increased massively, but damaging an enemy cut it down slightly and killing an enemy cut it substantially or even started it immediately? Just a thought. It would encourage fighting, and help prevent rushing past enemies if the delay was long enough. And your regeneration would always be on as soon as the fight ended, reducing downtime for players who kill everything.


We're trying to get away from any sort of "wait around for regen to start" thing, because people will just alt-tab and do something else while they heal, more than likely :P We'd need to do something to completely eliminate the wait for regen, whether that's eliminating regen completely unless you attack enemies, or something else similar so the player can't just alt-tab out to something else and wait to heal, which kills the flow of the game etc. So killing an enemy to immediately reduce the time is a nice idea, but people would still wait around instead; however, having it be what STARTS regen, and having it be the only way to start regen, would be a lot more effective, etc.


If it's only for NORMAL mode then I'm fine for it to be more difficult or close to a game experience like Megaman then just swap to EASY for a quick content run. I voted for choice 2 although not entirely sure about the difference of "regen" and "natural regen". Like others said, she's a Mage, maybe add some support skills like a heal or a lifesteal shot to help with the missing regen (if the lore permits it).


I think the combat regen is a good idea, have it to where attacking an enemy will start regen and after not being in combat for so many seconds have it stop. Might could throw in some hp-per-hit as well. Nothing substantial mind you but would help push for the combat and keep moving.


Any sort of slow regen, whether natural or triggered by defeating enemies, is going to result in some amount of sitting around and waiting. Even if the regen is limited, for example, defeating an enemy regens 10% of your life over 10 seconds or whatever, there's a motivation to wait for the regen to complete before moving on. I think just giving back small chunks of life all at once is the more streamlined approach. Your game is all about the action - platforming and killing stuff - so any mechanics that discourage those things dilute the experience.


Right, if we go either of these routes, it'll be within 2-3 seconds of time, not 10 seconds, and the regen will end after that period of time too etc. But yeah, we're still debating it, I do agree fully with you, but as we're a 3 person team everyone on the team has to be on board :P


Maan, I'm kinda torn on this stuff. I can understand wanting to remove the health regen to amp the difficulty and make the game have a faster tempo, but I'm not a fan off health drops myself. :/ 'cause they never really help me. XD I find usually I usually kill enemies with realtive ease so health pickups are kinda waste, or the exact opposite happens, and I get my ass handed to me so badly that I go outta my way to avoid fights, and thus not get health drops.T.T I've also had to restart games before due to poor health restore. Like I just clear a hard room, and I'm left at low health, and lo and behold the next room is just as hard, and I can't go forward or back without dying. -_-. ... Well at least that won't happen in this one 'cause the save points restore your health..... I'm sure you and the team have already thought of these kinda things already though, so I'll just play the next version and let you know how it feels what ever route you guys go with. ^~^ ... man I've gotta be doing somethign wrong in these posts.... the formatting just looks so... ugly. :(

Secular Reason

I'd say either just drop healt balls and remove regen entirely, or else make regen only give you up to 15% health or something, with health balls being the only way to go beyond that. So that you can regen enough only to be hit once and still live, not regen up to full.


Patreon automatically basically destroys any formatting you have, so don't feel bad, it happens to everyone :P


Regen is a MASSIVE part of the quality of this product, it is what validates the presence of H-scenes. ROR in its traditional format is a very clunky and awkward system, and the ability to stand around and get health back validates the desire to watch some occasional H. Regen has done nothing to adventure gaming aside from make it consistently less frustrating on the whole, it has just been some that has been POPULAR to dislike because we tend to worship nostalgia and hate changes on principle.


that is a decent idea. I hate the idea of being stuck at low health forever though. Regen to full lets you experience every separate encounter at full confidence though. Tough choice.


True, but it also encourages the player to just run through enemies, and stand around and do nothing afterwards, destroying any reason to interact with enemies besides hentai scenes as well as destroying any actual action in levels also. Having actual health gained from them in some way, shape or form gives the player incentive to interact with the enemies as actual enemies, as well as keep action going, which is what we'd prefer, as we're trying to make a legitimate game that has hentai in it, not an animated hentai gallery with gameplay stuck in on the side :P If you want to see hentai scenes, getting hit by an enemy's sprite when they're not attacking insta-stuns Talia, and so you'd get to see the hentai there; we'd likely reduce the damage you take for letting the hentai scene play out by a large amount, and completely negate damage if you escape in time, so you could watch a scene and then heal up by killing the enemy right after. (also, note again that we'd be making these changes to Normal mode only; easy mode would remain the same, so you could still use that for the hentai viewing. :P)


Not sure with of kind of thing. Might not make much sense aesthetically if the only enemy drops are health pick ups, but I would like the difficulty to be amped up a bit. Maybe decrease the regen rate by a bit so that you would have to stay away from enemies for a while to get back to full health.


Right, this is exactly what we want to avoid; we want you to be able to speedrun these levels, not having to stop at any point, if you're keeping up with the action and moving forward. We essentially don't want a system that rewards the player for sitting idly by and doing nothing, and then doesn't reward them for killing enemies, i.e. taking action. Again, this is for normal mode; if people want to take it easy, there's easy mode where you can go and play the game at your own pace, but for normal mode, we want the game to be action-based.

Secular Reason

Honestly, if they keep "new" enemies showing up at the rate they did for the fire level, you can just wait to see new encounters at a save point. This would let you see the encounters, while not getting rid of regen, and not letting it be OP like it currently is.


You could have the power of her attacks increase as hit points decrease (anger / adrenaline rising), so getting injured during a speed run makes you kill enemies faster and you regen between encounters while you're running along since killing enemies faster = less damage taken = more regen = less bonus damage, so those running for breakneck speeds can walk a line between risk/reward. All in all, I rather enjoy the fact I don't fell compelled to kill lots of enemies and can try to sprint past them while dodging their attacks.