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We've got two polls we'd like all of you who played the Fire Level boss to check out and answer;


Would help us fine-tune the game a lot, thanks! :)



Has the Fire Demo gone public? Or is this poll for the people who got the 99% version?


So, the second survey question asked which part of the boss encounter was problematic, and my answer was that it took too long to break the walls. To clarify my answer, without any visual indicators, the first impression you get is that your shots aren't having any effect. If the walls were to chip away as you hit them, I don't think there would be any problems, although maybe they have a few too many hit points..? /shrug/


That's what the flashing was for, we figured that was a very blatant visual indicator, but that's also probably from the era of gaming we're from; we could possibly do something like that :P


I actually enjoyed the boss fight. Quite different from most games.


The thing that really fucked me over was the fact that the boss got faster every hit it took. At least i think thats what was happening.


I thought the boss was ok. I got through it no problem once I stopped trying to used charged shots at the walls :)


Is it normal to get teleported back to the entrance of the room each time I get in contact with the boss himself? Did I get the wrong version?Also what are the system requirement and will there be a way to reduce the quality of the game to get it to run better on crappy computer?


yep, that's normal; in the full game, a cutscene will play etc. The system requirements shouldnt be that hard, but there won't be a way to reduce the quality of the game, unfortunately.


I played the boss about seven-to-ten times. I only made it to the room at the end of the first group of walls once. Those walls are just way too resilient. Even when I spam ordinary blasts and not charged shots, the little blobs end up catching me and delaying my excavations. The one time I reached the bigger room, I thought I could jump over the boss so he could tunnel for me (like that drill-tank in Armor Armadillo's stage in Mega Man X), but I couldn't make the jump.


Yeah the hardest part were the walls, took really long to destroy them before you ran out of room or got hit by the blobs


Destroying the walls was pretty quick and I ran through the fire boss a few times without seeing him even on the screen...here's how: 1) Do "bunny-hops", Super Smash term for shortest jump possible, charge shots when smashing the walls. This cuts the delay of the charge shot because when you land it immediately resets her animation. 2) The second you see her glow with the energy bubble release the attack key, the charge shot either goes off or doesn't. It actually chargers pretty quick. If a player tried a basic attack or ground charge shots, it took too long or left them exposed to blobs.


A simple charged shot backwards usually cleared all of the blobs away, or just left enough to easily jump over without skipping a beat. If I have one complaint, it's that the blob animation doesnt have time to finish if you want to see it. It only took two or three actual attempts to clear it consistently.


Yeah, the blob animation will be in the game's gallery, so you'll definitely get to see it in full there. :)


We actually fully intended for #2, and while that's a great strategy, I reallllly hate to burst your bubble (because you honestly are thinking critically and that's what we want with this game), but the charge shot starts charging regardless of sprite; you can do it while jumping even :P I should note though that it is beatable even with normal shots; I'll likely do a stream sometime tonight or tomorrow proving this :P


The difficulty was alright, maybe even a little bit too easy once you figure out you only have to care about breaking the walls. Kinda expected shooting at the boss to do something at all, though.


We support you! All 3 of you. No matter how long it takes, make it happen.


Boss fight was good. Easy when you figure out what you need to do. I did die twice before realizing i could break the walls though. I feel its good the way it is but if it was harder that would be fine too.


With the way the blobs are projected, it seems like this boss has a fair bit of RNG. A few times I would try to do charge shot runs and get mobbed by blobs and then run over by the boss. When I finally did beat it the blobs had gotten projected to where they didn't land near me at all and I was able to basic attack my way through the boss level, never even seeing the boss. Also I got this error: ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event for object __newobject76: In script enemy_update: Error in code at line 224: entity_rape_begin( other.id , other.rape_sprite[ irape_id , 0 ] , other.rape_sprite[ irape_id , 1 ] , other.rape_is_infinite[ irape_id ] , other.rape_suicide[ irape_id ] , other.rape_sound_frame[ irape_id ] , other.rape_sound_group[ is_dead , 0 ] , other.rape_sound_group[ is_dead , 1 ] , other.rape_sound_group[ is_dead , 2 ] ); ^ at position 62: Unknown variable rape_sprite or array index out of bounds Which meant no boss sexy times for me.


Yeah, that's because the boss cutscene isn't in this demo; it's not a complete demo :P that'll be fixed and such for the complete demo, of course. As far as the RNG aspect, yeah, there is definitely one there; we're doing some more tweaking to try and change that as much as possible, but unfortunately even for the complete demo there will still be a decent amount of RNG. Future bosses shouldn't have any, though, and for the full game we'll likely be able to eliminate most of the RNG.


i thought the boss was of the perfect difficulty. It was somewhat a challenge to break down the walls whilst trying to keep an eye on the blobs attacking. Once I just spammed the attack button and kept tracking right however, I cleared the boss room with not even a bit of hassle. Maybe I just got lucky. Either way, I encourage other testers to attempt the same strategy to avoid blatant exploitation.


Here is the hard part about the boss and it was that some of the wall took 3 to 4 charge shots to destroy them, that is insanely annoying. Though the boss is good enough its just the wall need to be easier to destroy that is the only thing that most likely needs to be balanced


I had little problem with the boss once I figured out what to do, however I did have issue with the room BEFORE the boss....the one where all the fans blow you around in a circle and you have to time your jumps on the various platforms. The one platform that is just one space wide was constantly messing me up, as I would always overshoot it or land just on the edge and the fans pushed me off before I could hit the jump button. Spent half an hour messing with that which made the boss seem easy in comparison.

Rodolfo Barajas

So was there a demo sent out with the actual boss fight after the slimes?


A charge shot is 60 damage, and a regular shot is 10 damage; if you'd like, you can use regular shots instead of charge shots, the boss is beatable both ways :) We are testing out ways to balance the boss though, and that's one of them (wall HP being altered)!


Yeah, in that one, you'll want to do a little hop instead of a full jump so you can have time to jump afterwards; it's basically meant to be the ultimate test of the vent gimmick, which is why we made it optional and not a requirement to beat the map, etc.


The boss fight *is* running away from the boss; other bosses can be defeated through actual attacks, but this one is literally just running away from it. In the full game, once Talia escapes it, it's moving so fast that it smashes into the door you escape with, causing a power failure and allowing Talia access to the next level, but not before she goes back and grabs a bit of DNA from it, allowing her to use fire powers in the next level.


Where's the link to the most recent demo? I thought I had it, but I got to the end and the screen just turned black -_- Finding certain posts on Patreon is kind of hard or I just don't know how yet. Edit: Found it thanks, I totally forgot o the check there.


If you check your private messages, I actually sent you the link to download it a few days ago :)


So, a bit of boss feedback. Personally, while I was able to complete the boss, I found it incredibly intensive on the attack button. It also seemed like once your were hit by the slimes in the early few walls it was pretty much game over. Perhaps giving us a few more easy walls could alleviate this, but overall the entire fight is a bit hard on the hands for those of us who are keyboard-bound. Perhaps slowing the rate at which the boss advances a tad (Not too much, but just enough to give the player a slight lead) would alleviate this. That said, it's not impossible, as is, so there might not be much of an issue. Just a thought.


Edit: Okay so I beat it on the try right after I posted that lol. I just spammed jump and shoot. I still feel like it went on too long. Overall though the game is looking great and I'm looking forward to rest. Keep up the good work.


I found the boss to be difficult in a frustrating sort of way, I think the reason the boss gave me so much grief was that the attack won't allow you to press it as fast as you can, but it also doesn't register the second attack if you press it too quickly, so the result is that you have to pace yourself, which is worsened with the fact that when you get caught by a single slime you're pretty much dead, it can make for a frustrating experience when you are almost through, and you aren't sure whether to break out of the grab and keep going, or just suicide. for me it was often the latter.

Secular Reason

Maybe it's just being a gamer from the age when games were "Nintendo Hard" but I enjoyed a thoroughly difficult boss, who's difficulty was pure difficulty, and no some special gimmick where you had to figure out how to damage him. It reminded me of games in the past that I enjoyed and felt a sense of accomplishment after beating, and for an ero-game, that's freaking amazing.


do we get to see what happens when we lose against the boss yet?


I voted that it was too hard but after giving it a few more tries I think the issue was the RNG. It seems more like you didn't want to give players an easy go, which I think is good. I think my problem was that if slime happens to bounce on you, you probably can't win. Other than that I enjoyed it, it seemed like it might have been slightly choppy compared to last time but that might have been my computer. Also aside from the intro scene is there only one cutscene with Faye? If there are more I better look through the maps a little more. Last thing I wanted to add, and forgive me everyone who doesn't like DP or girls who like DP, was that if every animation in game isn't done already I kind of had an idea. I have never seen this done and maybe because it is too hard to do, but would you ever consider an animation where she is getting fucked or pleasured vaginally and playing with herself, on her own, anally? Idk I can imagine some people not liking that, but I think personally it would be awesome and also I haven't seen it done before in a game like this. Just a thought. Keep up the good work, can't stress how excited I am.


Right, it's a hard balance with this boss because we did want to give players a challenge, but we don't want to make it unfair, and with this particular boss mechanic RNG seems like the only way to approach both, we just need to control the RNG better. We'll definitely be modifying him in the future so you don't feel "cheated" by him, but so you can't just lazily win either. And yeah, we're pushing GameMaker to its limits; the C++ version will be MUCH smoother. There's only one cutscene of Faye being fucked by the mutated soldier, yep; as the game goes on and Cheshire completes the cutscene editor (which btw, anyone at the editor tiers automatically get when it's done!) We'll have a LOT more cutscenes per level. The animation request you got for DP, we'll have plenty of it (there's already DP in this demo actually with the half-demon's second animation) but as far as her fingering her own ass, notttt sure how Triangulate would go for that, so I'm gonna say it's unlikely, haha. Thanks for the praise and critique both :D


Yeah, that' what we're aiming for with this, but we know we gotta touch up the boss some; future bosses will hopefully evoke the same sense of challenge and a feeling of being rewarded after beating them, but without nearly as much RNG. :P We want each of the bosses to have a unique gimmick, but we want that gimmick to be very obvious and not something like "oh, you need to attack them the second their eyes open from the left side of their head", haha. Really happy to hear you liked it that much though! :D


Right, you gotta get sort of a rhythm going with her attacks, which is semi-intentional; Cheshire could fix this, but I asked him to leave it in so players wouldn't be able to just spam as fast as possible like a machine gun, haha. As far as it being frustrating though, we're definitely working on the boss stuff to make it still as challenging, but less RNG, so the player feels that it was more THEIR fault they messed up (not clearing the blobs behind them, for instance) instead of feeling like they got cheated by ridiculously bad RNG or not being able to shoot fast enough, etc.


Yeah, we'll definitely be touching up the boss stuff for sure, no worries :D thanks for the praise!


Yeah, we'll definitely be editing portions of the boss fight, specifically the walls and the RNG with the blobs to make things more fair for the player while still keeping it challenging, etc. That said, I did manage to beat the boss with only single shots on keyboard; I'll likely stream it in a bit to show it's possible, but we do agree as it is right now it's too RNG heavy and needs to be altered in a few ways, for sure. Glad you're not dissuaded from the game as a whole though :P


I really want to express that there's no reason an amorphous blob would accelerate its movement while its losing mass and moving along a completely level surface. Also, was I supposed to escape from it as I did or turn around and destroy it somehow?


You were supposed to escape from it; that'll be more clear with the injured grunt scene in the full demo :) As for the acceleration bit, it is able to cycle the blobs through itself like a treadmill, so to speak; as it shoots more and more out, its overall weight decreases, allowing for faster cycling of the blobs, which means higher speed movement. The surface isn't completely level either, as you can see with the rocky surface :P


Ok, it does look like its just missing a big cutscene. But I mean there's still no reason it would be able to go faster unless the area reached an incline. On a side note, getting all the items and doing all the platforming puzzles is quite fun. I like the air-jets juggling crap a lot. It's going to be fun to farm the endings in this story.


Right, the cutscene would come after you've escaped teh area :P I did note the reason it could go faster (less weight, faster cycling of mass, much like how a car could go faster if it lost weight) Glad ya like all that stuff :D Although to note, there's only two main endings in the game, and then three "secret" weird endings haha


I appreciate the constant transparency and sincerity. Only other comment I would make is that I can run and shoot but if I try to run while I'm already spam shooting there is an issue with responsiveness. Not sure if you are aware or if this is intended, just trying to remember my thoughts as I played.


Yeah, this is also intended; this programmed in so if the player wants to change direction while already shooting, they can do so without moving (similar to how Gunstar Heroes did it, except here you don't have to press a button to change firing modes).