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I really can't stress this enough; if your money's went through at a specific tier (not just pledging to it, but the money actually goes through and is registered as paid etc.) and you HAVE NEVER gotten an email from me for your tier that you're at (or were at when you paid), as long as it's $5 or more, please let me know through Patreon PMs!

So many people each month message me asking where their reward emails are at or that they've pledged to this game for months and have never gotten a reward email, and I go back to check my records and one of three things has happened;

1) Google Mail has basically deemed the message as spam as I've sent a similar message out to like 1000 different people at that tier over the past few months, so it never gets to your inbox

2) You accidentally marked it as spam or deleted it, either through auto-filters or just thinking it was spam in general

3) Your Patreon-registered email isn't your primary email, so you haven't ever checked it for emails etc.

and thus the email has went unanswered.

For the record, of the 1,000-ish people who have pledged to this project since the start, I got a reply on less than 30% of all emails ever sent out.

So if you've been pledging for a while or even a short time, and you haven't gotten a reward email for your given tier EVER (again as long as it's $5 or above), then yeah, PM me!

--Note that this month's reward tier emails haven't been sent out yet, they will be sent out along with the Ice Level, Patron-only demo, to kind of match things up there, and that demo should be getting sent out in 1 to 2 weeks at most--

Thanks again for all the support; I just want to make sure you're all getting your proper rewards!



Well. you said, For the record, of the 1,000-ish people who have pledged to this project since the start, I got a reply on less than 30% of all emails ever sent out. That being said, can you blame them?


So, I'm pretty new into this whole Patreon thing, but I really like your work :) (Also I'm not sure where I should post this,so there you have it :3 ) .Anyway, I've had a probably ananswered question so I'll just go ahead and ask: As a Patreon ( > 5$ pledge) will I get access to previous demo's of the game, or from the point I joined and so on? If so, I really don't mind ,just wanted to see your way of development. Again, keep up the good work ;) This is turning to be a great game


Maybe its too complicated? I don't know. Too busy. First I made games for free and I had tons of downloads but only little responses. So I started taking money. So as long as people buy my games I take that as positive feedback. Of course I am very happy about every kind of feedback. I love people critiquing my games. But I can see that it's difficult and very time consuming giving feedback. So if ya didn't got time but money/goods, I understand that you like my stuff and support me and I should keep going :)


No no, you're misunderstanding :P I'm talking about people responding to get their rewards, like; - Soundpacks - Name in the background - Name in the databanks - Editor etc. People are pledging for those tiers, and then never responding to the emails I send them, so I can't give them their rewards.


Unfortunately the demos would be from the point you joined and so on, just because those demos would then be obsolete, etc. And thanks for the praise!


I can't blame them when Google turns stuff into spam, of course, but I feel bad because these people are pledging for their rewards, rewards they deserve and paid for, but since they never replied to the reward emails, I can't give them their rewards. This includes stuff like; - Soundpacks - Name in the background - Name in the databanks - Editor etc. If they never reply to the email I send out, then I'll have no idea what name of theirs to put in the game/background/credits, or even if they WANT their name in the game/background/credits, etc.


Yep, I understood that. I like rewards, I just don't like to work for them. I think it's too many steps. It's not that people are lazy. It's that people got too much other stuff to do. That's what I tried to say.


Actually, it takes about 4 steps to pledge to something on Patreon, but it takes 1 step to reply to an email :P I'd say replying to the email is far less work, and honestly, there's no way to make it less work. Even if I had a form of some sorts that people got, they'd still have to; - Write in confirmation they're 18 or above - Write in their name if they want the reward or not - Write in information about the character's background they'd want (databanks) or the level they want their name on (backgrounds) And having a form linked in the activity feed for people to fill out would result in boatloads of confusion for all parties involved, so doing it over email is a lot safer/faster/more accurate, really, with no extra work on the Patron's part either way.


I'm pretty sure i got my reward email, but to be sure, the last one was the demo missing the grunt and boss scenes, right? Because I got that, I got that one through patreon messages and stuuf, i don't think i've ever got a direct email from you


Right, your pledge started this month, so I'll be emailing people who started pledging this month shortly :)

Secular Reason

Well, I know for a fact that my Patreon e-mail IS NOT my primary e-mail, and I almost never check it (which is why I never bothered you about e-mails) What is the subject line I should be looking for? That e-mail get so much spam... Although if the question is just about what name to use, just use the username, Lunasmeow. (You can separate it into two words if you want or whatever. Or hell, make it an anagram. Whatever really.)


should be looking for "future fragments" in the subject title :P I'd need it in the email though as that's how I keep track of the rewards and so forth for people and how I enter them into my excel sheet, etc.