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Hey, we have to delay things by another week AT MOST, although we're shooting to get the demo out before then.

Basically, there's two reasons for the delay;

1) Cheshire's internet provider in Poland is completely down, and so there is literally nowhere for him to upload the game (he has phone Skype, but he has limited data; he couldn't get the demo sent through the phone before the data ran out for us to test/make sure everything's good) EDIT: Based on previous times his internet's went down, we EXPECT it (but can't promise) to be back up within 2-3 days.

2) On top of that, he just underestimated how much work would be going into coding the cutscenes and applying the SFX that we've made, etc. For future releases, Cheshire will be coding a "cutscene creator" which Triangulate and I will be able to use to make cutscenes ourselves, to save Cheshire time on coding (and this will come bundled with the regular editor, so any of you who pledged $50/$100 or do so from now on, you'll be getting that as well for ALL releases of the game!)

All the art and sound FX are done, but there isn't much we can do right now; you guys are free to obviously pull out of the Patreon or request a refund, but Cheshire IS working his hardest to catch up and get this demo out after being homeless for that month and falling behind some, and we're positive it'll be done within the next week, and likely sooner rather than later.

We'll keep you all updated on how things are going with it and on Cheshire's progress, of course.



All these setbacks make me wonder if I'm even paying for anything real


Nobody could have seen this coming, and half of this stuff is outside anybody's control anyway. I'm disappointed, but you three have a lot on your plate. Game design is tough, man. Keep on truckin', you guys.


Setbacks are always rough and incredibly disappointing no matter the context, but to accuse people of fraudulent behavior as a result of them is in pretty poor taste.


As noted in the post, you have full right to unpledge and request a refund. Also, we clearly have something real, as has been produced/published and shown numerous times in streams and pictures, so it's impossible for this to not be something real, etc. We can't do anything to make Cheshire work any harder or faster than he already is, which again is ridiculously fast, but this is what happens when you make deadlines, which is why from this point onwards (after this public demo) there will be no more deadlines. At the end of each month, we'll be posting what we have complete as a demo, regardless of whatever state it's in, to Patrons only, and we'll continue onwards like that, completing the levels as we're humanly best able to speed-wise.


sucks to hear but you guys are doing the best you can. keep up the good work!


we got a nice d3mo of the game and there are streams and updates. id say we are seeing something real.

Regless Maximus

It's all good dude. Unexpected setbacks are a part of any development project. It's why tradesmen and contractors add 50% on to their cost and time estimates. It's just inherent. In light of that though you may want to give yourself more of a buffer when announcing future releases or delays. Cheers.


Yeah, definitely that's why we're going with the whole "non-deadline releases once a month" thing etc.


Don't worry about it man shit happens all the time its part of life, Just relax and have a good time.