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Hey, CheshireCat pulled an all-nighter and got the demo release stable!

Again, this version is missing;

-No cutscenes with Mage B/Injured Soldier (fully voiced, sex scenes, etc.)
-No boss whatsoever (the upgraded demo will have a boss, with its own mechanic, audio, multi-tier sex animations, etc.)
-A few changes to maps will be done, nothing major
-A lot more SFX will be in the upgraded demo as well
-The missing databanks from this demo (there are a few that are just “empty”) will be filled in

But since you’re a Patron on Patreon, you can test out this early pre-upgraded-demo-demo!

LINK TO DEMO *** https://mega.co.nz/#!tJVQ0Sra!I2hvurexP6MlllVSCAVxE6KSKah9eNefxKhzFnrGp6w *** LINK TO DEMO

Please let us know what you think of the demo so far and such, and of course check the controls so you know how to activate the databanks, switches, etc.!

The full demo will be released to EVERYONE for FREE, on the 15th, with all those features up above there in it! :DEDIT: THERE IS A CHARGE ATTACK! Hold down the fire button to use it, it does 6 times the damage of a normal attack!



Not gonna lie, was really looking forward to the boss fight so I'm a little disappointed... But downloading now, feedback to follow.


Only another week or so before that'll be available! Just took longer to code all this stuff in than we expected, but again it's part of building the full game engine, so all this is just speeding up future releases :)


It looks good, kinda slow though, any tips?


The big zombie animation was fantastic. Great work as usual, fellas!


Everything was pretty good. The lava pits are much appreciated since they replace the damned bottomless pits. One tiny issue is that the switches for the air vents are a bit sensitive. I tapped the up button once to use them and they triggered like five times in rapid succession. Might want to look into that.


In all honestly, doesn't sound like there is much difference between this demo and the other demo other then the maps. Now im not home and haven't had a chance to try it but from the looks of it. It doesn't look like you would have made that deadline you set for yourself anyway.

Secular Reason

Lava pits are great, and the options that change the appearance of the game were awesome. I got to make the screen just as dark/sharp as I wanted. On another note, you may want to include a second option when choosing to start a new game, one that asks whether you want to reset the data points or not. I liked having the data points already found stay that way, but for replay value, people may want to reset them and try the game again at a later date. With them staying found, it means they can't get the normal ending again if they've already gotten the best one.

Rodolfo Barajas

So does that mean that Mage B is in this demo? :D


Noted, we'll check on that :) As a note though, if players get the best ending, they'll automatically unlock the normal ending in the gallery :P


There's actually a boatload of differences, including; - Lava pits now replace bottomless pits for better visibility/functionality - Scrapped all the old maps besides 5 of them that were heavily modified for this demo, then did 25 brand new maps - Added in props for more visual variety (guardrails, electrical boxes, crates, that sort of thing) - Added in brand new SFX for Talia’s shot, enemy attacks, etc. - 5 new databanks added and previous databanks re-arranged in order - Steam vents added, which blow Talia around/keep her from entering certain areas; you’ll need to flip switches in some maps to turn them on/off, so basically mini-puzzles (but nothing annoying or boring) - Talia’s firing abilities heavily changed; she now has a running shot, a jumping shot, and her “three-stage shot” has been reworked into a charge shot, giving her overall much more mobility/fluidity - All enemies in the game now have different HP amounts, making them more easier to deal with on a one by one basis; to accommodate for this, maps now have more enemies on average - No more “dead end” rooms; there is only one path to go through the game in general, but most of the maps now are much larger and feature a variety of ways to get from point A to point B, but again without confusion on where to go to finish the demo. - As such, all databanks are in main rooms now, but you’ll have to explore a bit to find them/get access to them. The vents alone are an entire mechanics change to the level as are Talia's new firing mechanics, there's a boatload of smaller changes in there too, and there'll be even more stuff in the demo coming up, too. We're also not going to be setting deadlines after this demo, because two things happen; 1) Real life happens, and on a small indie team, one person being knocked out of their ability to work through circumstances they can't control is pretty crippling; the other two can go on working, of course, but the third has to catch up. This happens on every game ever made with a small indie team, it's just that we choose to be transparent about it, so people have more of a reaction to it. 2) People get pissed off when we don't make deadlines despite working like mad, so having a general, vague time period where we'll get out content is probably a lot better; we'll get out stuff at the same time, but people won't get as disappointed when we go somewhat over our estimations, usually due to reason #1.


Alright HentaiWriter my first thing I need to just get out is that reading everyone complain about the charged shot on ulmf was making me lose my fucking mind. Holy shit have none of you idiots ever played a video game? Literally the first thing I did was press the shoot button, noticed the difference, tried to see if i could do a charged shot, then tested if it stayed charging while jumping or crouching. Then I read the first little computer screen about controls. So I think you did the right thing, those people are the reason games are becoming shitty. Next, I am a bit sad that there were no new enemies lol but yeah obviously from a gameplay standpoint the demo was quite a bit upgraded and fixed. Just remember when you read the complaints that lots of these people aren't going to appreciate anything you do if they can't jack off to it. I like that I don't die right when I touch the lava since I was saved by a vent at one point. I had a few thoughts on the zombies. I'm not sure if it makes more sense to have them constantly fall off ledges or only do so when they see you. I don't know. Basically there are a few moments where you enter a room and a bunch of zombies just die. It is kind of funny, it kind of makes sense. I'm not sure if a zombie would wait at a ledge to get to a person or just fall to death. Obviously it makes playing the game easier but I wanted to mention it to you just in case you didn't want all your carefully developed map challenges walking into lava pits. Finally (I think) I tried to constantly keep in mind all the things you mentioned from the last demo when I discovered the game until now. Things like enemies being designed to be avoided at times, looking before you leap, and hard vs easy paths. And for me the demo was fine. There were a few moments where I was like "God dammit I have to do that." which is totally normal for gaming I believe. But I never felt like you were fucking me over, I never felt like I was taking a blind leap. The only part I decided to ignore was that vent shit. I'm sure I could get it eventually, but it is a pretty fast-paced puzzle, so I'm not sure many people would be willing to try it as many times as I would. (And of course I am sure many people will find it easier than I will, not trying to set myself as any bar.) Oh yeah last thing. The part where you have to drop down a long path full of the Incubi (or however to pluralize incubus) was kind of annoying, but again you made it clear beforehand that some sections were meant to avoid combat, so both times I found myself in that area, I got through without dying on my first try. If people complain about that shit, it is on them. Alright I guess that is all lol. Good demo. You guys are all working harder on this than adult games are used to lol. Get me some new enemies!


There are unfortunately no new enemies coming for this demo, but there IS a boss that'll be in the next demo next week, AND we'll have a total of 25 enemies + traps over the course of the game! A lot of what we've been spending time on is generating art assets outside of the enemies as well as Cheshire finalizing the engine for the game, after this next demo comes out he just has to add parallax scrolling, 5 or 6 other things, port it over to C++ and he'll be mostly done with the programming for the entire game engine, AFAIK. Yeah, a lot of the level design was setup so that there's a lot of surprises, like "oh shit i'm gonna die oh wait" and puzzles that don't require you to be a genius to beat, but they take a little work and they make ya feel rewarded afterwards. :) Glad you liked those! The zombies falling off the edges into lava is intentional; it's one of those "hey, wait, they just died when they fell in it; maybe other enemies do this too?" and then that sets up the preface for the Berserker running into the lava. I tried to do a lot of design elements where the player is shown concepts non-verbally, subconsciously, that sort of thing. Glad to feel you also never felt like you were doing a blind leap, that was also intentional; there were far too many of those in the last demo, so I made sure everything you did in this demo, if you ducked and so forth sometimes, should be definitely visible. The vent stuff is in there partially because I figured it'd be a challenge for people, and also because all three of us really had fun playing with them, and since they'll be gone after this level, we wanted to give them one big hurrah :P Yeah, that part is actually meant to be blown through really quickly, ideally, I might need to adjust my tips at the beginning to be like "just kill everything first and if not, just run past it as fast as you can" since there are no more super bullshit sections like in the last demo, lol. Thanks for the critique and praise both :D


Seems kind if unfair for the people that have been donating 5 or 10$ for quite awhile with no exclusive demo access. What I'm getting at is a full public demo again after just a week. Just feels like I have wasted money after my initial pledge to get the game for free way back when :/


This is why I've repeatedly told people (in fact, it's on the front page of the Patreon) that the first level demo will be free to everyone, because I understand where you're coming from, but if we don't have a free, solid representation of the game for people to try out, very few people will pledge to the Patreon. That notice has been up since day one of the Patreon account, so I mean, we definitely appreciate everyone's support, don't get me wrong, but we put that up there to make it very clear that what you've been supporting up until now is 1) us being able to semi-stay-afloat financially while we get this first demo out and build the game's engine, and 2) getting bonuses/rewards based on tiers etc. and that again, nothing would be exclusive for the most part until the Ice Level demos started, which they will be shortly. (As you've already pledged $10 too, you get the full game for free, so you're also saving $5-10 for when that comes out too.) The game has changed so much from the original demo that we need to get this new demo out to everyone, the public included, so they have a much better idea of the path the game's taking, etc. That said, all demos AFTER this demo will be Patron-Only, so things will definitely be getting more exclusive from this point on.


After giving the newly released demo a play through, here are a few things that stood out to me as needing another look for quality purposes: __________________ • Charging up your attack produces no audio cue of any kind. In addition, I find that the released charge shot could use a bit more audio oomph instead of just a simple yell followed by the same sound effect attached to the normal shots upon hitting an enemy or obstacle. • Falling into the Lava/Bottomless Pits produces no audio cue of any kind. I don't know if that's by design or not, but perhaps a drawn-out moan or a cry of agony could be added in future builds to attach more significance to the event? Plainly said, falling into a pit just feels unfinished as it stands right now. • Talia's projectiles appear at the origin of her body instead of her palms when attacking; it's far less noticeable with the charge shot, but it's plainly obvious when attacking normally especially in rapid succession. This may very well be a result of a programming limitation, however, could the projectiles be modified to appear as if they're coming out of her palms instead of her body should that not be the case? • Enemies can attack through obstacles all the while being quite difficult to hit when "hugging" said obstacles. There were numerous situations where I had to jump into the fray and take damage in order to get a proper elevation and attack window on enemies. • The damage inflicted on enemies by your normal projectile shots is weak and extremely unfit for groups. I understand that the charge shot is intended to make up for this issue, however, it gets to the point where you pretty much have to rely solely on the charge shot to accomplish anything. • In the Data Bank entries, I noticed periods and commas were placed outside quotation marks instead of inside despite grammar rules in the United States calling for the latter. I don't mean any offense nor do I want to appear as overly nitpicky, however, I believe correcting this minor issue would certainly help introduce a bit more professional flair to some already top-notch writing. Here's a helpful summary for future entries and what-have-you: In American English, periods and commas always go inside the closing quotation mark; semicolons, colons, asterisks, and dashes always go outside the closing quotation mark; and question marks and exclamation points require that you analyze the sentence and make a decision based on context. __________________ That said, I'm impressed by the product you three have delivered thus far, and I'm definitely looking forward to the full demo come August 15th!


To reply to things in order; Actually, charging up the attack does produce an audio cue; do you have the Bass on your speakers muted or heavily turned down? It should create a speaker-shaking, bass-centric sound. We'll likely add in some more sound effects, but it's there :P As noted though, this demo is missing many of the SFX that we plan to have for the full demo, so that stuff's all going to be addressed. We don't plan to add any yells or cries falling into a lava pit, for two reasons; 1) If you genuinely fall into a lava pit, you won't have time to yell. I've always found it incredibly "immersion-removing" whenever I see people scream after falling into lava and being eaten up by it completely. (Heck, we even went to the degree of having Amisakadarthana record moaning lines with her mouth closed for animations where Talia's mouth is closed, so we're really anal about this stuff!) 2) This evokes a sort of a boner-killing feel to the game, which I really don't want to have; if you're jerking off and all of a sudden you fall into a lava pit and hear this horrific, bloodcurdling scream, it's gonna kill your mood real fast. :P The projectiles issue we've never actually noticed/seen, so that might be an odd bug of some sorts that we'll look into. As far as the enemies being difficult to hit when hugging objects, note the beginning databank that says you should avoid enemies if you can't immediately kill them :P There are no parts in the game where it's required to take damage to complete the game and get all the databanks etc, as all enemies are setup to be either easily killed from the minute you see them or avoidable using the nearby terrain. If people are interested, I could stream a speedrun of sorts going through the game showing the design choices I made and how you can avoid all the enemies etc. :) Note that enemies will only attack you if they see you, too, with the exception of the Half-Demon, which has its own mechanics (the fireball only comes out at a 45 degree angle and only if it's matched with the player, i.e. if you're not in the path of what would get you hit with the fireball, it won't throw one), etc. The reason why the normal projectile shots do that little damage is because we're thinking of the game as a whole; there will be enemies later on that will "block" the first hit you throw at them, meaning charge shots will be fruitless against them, and spamming shots will be a better choice. Charge shots also leave you open somewhat, and don't stun for nearly as long as the regular projectiles do, either. Personally, I was able to spam the projectiles to kill off enemies really fast, but again, we're always up to adjust damage levels and so forth; this is still a work in progress :P I'll recheck over the grammar issue (as in, you're right, but I don't remember that being in there); to get the Databanks in the game, I have to take the text from Word and do a lot of changes to it to get it to work (for example, I can't use "#" symbols because those are used for spacing text) so I might have screwed up some of the text by re-arranging things. Nice catch on that by the way, and thanks for the praise / critique on the game overall! :)


My framerate is very low, it was at normal speed for about 5 seconds when I started up but slowed way down. Any idea what might be causing that?


Is there anything externally running on your computer that takes priority? (For example, a music playing device or program, a video capture program, etc.?) Anything that takes priority (meaning, the computer is focused on it, it's always on the top of the screen) will screw with the game's processes, even if it's only for a few seconds. The full version of the game and demos after the Fire Level will have the GameMaker shell removed (the game is 95% in C++ right now, it's just using GameMaker as a placeholder shell until we port it 100% to C++), which will make the game run a lot smoother, on top of that.


Nice. The enemies were surprisingly hard to kill, especially the flying demons were a real challenge. I liked it. The story looks to be interesting, although the whole "humanity was lazy, so dictatorship!" was pretty hard to swallow. I actually felt the want to get the data banks to know what´s up. I´m guessing the data banks will be voiced? The texts didn´t read like actual official reports with the swearing and casual tone. The controls were great, very responsive. Audio was mostly nice, the music I liked, but the sound of Talia's shots landing was far too soft and lacking in impact. I also sincerely hope you make the sex animations harder to break out of, it took me far too little time, leaving little sense of titillation. - Also, I still hope you make the VA redo her line at the boss. It's a horribly recited line that sounds fake. But overall, looking good.


The databanks likely won't be voiced just because it would bloat the game's file immensely (125 databanks minimum with about 2 pages of text minimum each = hundreds and hundreds of megs, if not gigs of audio data). If you check the databank in map #19 though, the one that goes over the chronology of the WO, it shows that it wasn't that humanity was lazy, it was the result of what would happen if basically Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, Einstein, Caesar, Pol Pot, Obama, Kim Jong-il etc. all got together somehow and pooled their respective resources and military might to sweep the world in one fell swoop, in an alternate future where stuff was so corrupt that something like this would be possible. The reason the texts have swearing and so forth is because they're done in a society 1000 years in the future, where language like this would be pretty commonplace, even professionally; if you look at how language has changed in just the past few 20-30 years ago, professionals are now commonly heard saying words like "damn" and so forth, but back just 50-60 years ago, before Gone With the Wind came out, the idea of hearing "damn" even in an entertainment sense was unheard of. So I figure in 1000 years the idea of people cursing at work wouldn't be that far off. :P Yeah, we're going to redo her shots and so forth. Every time you break out of a sex animation, it actually gets progressively tougher; by the 10th or so time, it should be nearly impossible. :P The line for the previous demo isn't gonna be there for the full demo, for sure :)


@Hentaiwriter: I can see what you mean with cursing likely becoming common place in the future, even at work. I also understand it's probably humongous amounts of work to start rewriting stuff now. But I would still like to make my argument, since writing and storytelling happen to be my forté. - People say that eyes are the window to your soul, but so is writing. I think it would fit better with the dark tone of the story to have the data banks sound more official. Not all of them, since some relationships between senders and intended receivers of those messages will naturally be more casual. But nobody writes reports where they go, "uh... yeah... not gonna retype, let's keep writing". People do rewrites until the sentences are complete. These texts are from an era of a dystopian society controlled by intellectual ideologists. That high level of social control should be reflected in the writings of the people that live under that control, in my opinion. Dystopian societies are very paranoid, from top to bottom, as everyone wants to pretend full allegiance to the state. I would expect more rigid language from people living under such a regime. - That's my take on it.

Regless Maximus

Wow. Iris Quest and demo and this in the same week. The month has just started and it's already good. Alright, anyway. I'll keep impressions brief. Great graphics. Changing the mode was a nice touch. Enjoyed the animations quite a bit. Jumping felt clunky at first, mainly for small jumps but I got used to it in like two minutes. Attacking was satisfying. Enemies have good indicators that they're being hit. Not being able to crouch and attack or fire up was annoying though. difficult range scaled up pretty quickly, especially when the flyer's were introduced. Not being able to backtrack much was a little annoying, but from how it's designed I'm guess you were going more for Megaman than Metriod. I am okay with that. Someone already mentioned that falling into lava was rather anti-climatic. The data banks didn't really grab me. I know you already said you weren't gonna voice them so I thought I'd just suggest a small non-animated face set for some of them. Everything loads and saves super quick, which is great. Game runs great at 30 fps. Looking forward to future releases.


There's a game-breaking bug where killing lots of enemies at once (usually with a charge attack) results in the game crashing.


Huh, that's interesting; I'll let Cheshire know about that, but I was able to kill about 100 enemies at once without any crash, so it might be a fluke.


We're likely going to have crouching attacks eventually, but given that there's only going to be 2 flying enemies, at most, programming in the ability to fire up, aka an entire function just for those two enemies would probably be something we'd only do when the game's done, if we do at all. You're using the charge shot too, right? They one-shot the flying half-demons :) You should be able to back-track through every map in the game, what map couldn't you backtrack on? The face set might be good; I'd have to ask Triangulate about that. Thanks for the critique/advice! :)


I got to the boss part! Love the flying demons even if they are annoying, and the final fan segmet felt SO REWARDING when you beat it!


I wrote out a whoooole reply here and unfortunately I deleted it by accident. :( I hope you got to see it or it went to your email or something, cause it was a gigantic response (friendly, of course) explaining my choices for why I wrote the characters with the variety/mentalities I did. :(


Why delete critical comments?


Hey, just popping in to say I read your comment, Hentaiwriter. You had some valid points about swearing, but in regards to tone, I feel I need to explain a little more. I strongly believe that, since the data banks aren't going to be voiced, they should generally have a more official tone, because it makes for a better read. In terms of tone, you alone can decide that, but I see potential for a truly chilling story. Everything in the game so far reeks a futuristic melancholy, and I love that style, and I'm sure others appreciate it too. You've gone crazy creative with the writing already, which probably makes you feel it can´t be serious. Unless you´re making it a truly funny parody that's seeking to reap laughs, I believe a darker tone would be a much better fit. Also, making it comedic and funny is much, much harder than making it sad and serious. I didn't laugh once reading the data banks, I dunno why you think it should be like that. This is what I think, use my feedback however you like. - Anyway, I had fun with the demo. Your team's doing a good job. :-)


There's a difference between comments that critique and comments that just mindlessly bash the game without any rhyme, reason, or fact to them. When the trolling person (whose comments I deleted) started claiming that "all DLSite games are made by 2 asian kids on a laptop in under a few months with 10x the content this game has", despite the average game taking a minimum of a year, having about as much content as we do, and being made by people from all around the globe, it's time to pack it up, lol. They blatantly incited hate and negativity and zero actual critical/functional discussion; I'm all for critique and advice, as you can see throughout this thread and the replies I've given. But, I'm not for wasting my time arguing with someone who clearly does not read replies and is blatantly trolling. So, I deleted the posts so people could focus on actually giving critique, instead of fighting with a troll.


Oh, I'm talking about the enormous reply I made to your post right before this one, did you see that one? It addresses that I'm going for a combination of seriousness/dark comedy, trying to make the characters varied/human basically, etc. If you didn't see it before I accidentally deleted it, shoot, cause yeah it explained everything away; at some point I'm sure i'll write something like it explaining it again, lol. But yeah, not going for laughing comedy, for sure, going way more for darker stuff, morbid comedy, etc.


I'd like to preface this with, "I don't like the flying demons."* Now that that's out of the way, I really liked the demo. It was a vast improvement over the old one and I CANNOT WAIT to see what lies before us in the boss room. I did find that there were areas that felt a bit unintentionally spammy, like the one room where you need to go down twice before you go up to the door (super descriptive, I know, I don't really know how else to describe it.) Two of the flying demons appear just as two grunts do, making it more annoying to play through. Overall, It's a marked improvement; speed running with only 1 death still took me 30 minutes. I did find that it was possible to get slightly stuck in a wall and therefor jump infinitely, but it never occurred anywhere game breaking. *Flying demon sex anims are my favorite so far, I just find them getting into walls frustrating as then I can't kill them, and sometimes this happens in a terrible area.


Not a bad demo! I was hoping for a new enemy or two, but it was still a solid experience. Can't wait for the next one.


Just making sure, you used the charged shot on the demons, right? Some people don't know about it, which is my bad, and it makes dealing with them a lot easier. That's REALLY interesting about getting stuck in a wall and jumping infinitely, like, you mean you could literally just jump off the map, or? I tried getting stuck in the wall in numerous areas, so if you can ever do a screen recording of that it'd be really helpful!


Gotta admit. U guys did a goddamn fine job on making a fine game in all those adversaries. But also have to mention that the game had not much of advanced development other than annoying fans. I cannot jump to a conclusion that u guys screwed up until I get to play the upgraded one in 15th (I guess). But right now it's kinda redundant. Hope to see way awesome stuffs in the upgraded one.


Glad to see you liked the demo, but as to what you said about stuff not changing much; take into account that we also changed Talia's firing setup, the lava pits, props, new tiles/background tiles, all the new maps, etc. (and that's with Cheshire being homeless for a month even), etc. I think one thing people aren't taking into account is that this isn't say, RPGMaker; we can't just slap in new tiles and it works, Cheshire has to program in the functionality of everything I just mentioned, by hand, both in gameplay and so that it works in the in-game editor. We're basically building "Platformer Maker" from the ground up while simultaneously working on this game, so we can make future levels faster, so the earlier levels take longer, but later levels would require almost no programming in them besides the new enemies.


Have you tested how the game play would be affected if the monsters were impassable? Obviously, you get hit when they touch you, but I mean during the few seconds that you're invulnerable, what if you can't just run through the bad guys? I ask because I was attempting a pacifist run through the first level and it really isn't much more difficult than fighting everything. Actually, once you know what you're doing, it's easier to avoid whatever you can and just take a hit here and there.


The levels are setup that in most cases, you don't have to kill the enemies; Talia's mission is just to get the fragments, not to lay waste to everything around her, haha. That said, the first level is intentionally easier because the first time we put out a demo, everyone complained that the game was far too hard, so these demos are also attempting to find balance between the two extremes. We'll of course still be adjusting the Fire Level all through the game's development, but if you want harder levels, future levels will definitely have that. The last level in the game will probably be as hard as a given level from Alien Soldier, so yeah, haha. About what you said with being unable to pass through enemies though, that would cause a lot of situations where you would get ganged up on enemies and get squeezed through the wall or get pushed up on top of the enemies, or if you were making a jump and an enemy fell on your head you'd just get crushed into the ground, all sorts of problems would happen from that, unfortunately. We're likely going to change the regeneration rate at some point to be less forgiving, but for now, we'd rather people be able to beat the demo than struggle through it until we have time to balance out all the mechanics. We're also going to change the firing abilities of Talia one more time somewhat, not before the 15th; we're going to keep her regular "bullet spam" shot, but we're going to effectively "split" her charged shot, into two selectable shots. You can pick to have a very strong charged blast that will only hit one enemy, or a weaker shot that hits multiple enemies that it cuts through, and you can switch between these at any time on the fly in-game.


Couple of suggestions: 1.) Make the charge shot a little more obvious for when it's fully charged. I see the sprite animation finish, but perhaps adding in a buzzing sound followed by a blip would be a good idea. example: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kB40CHI48EY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kB40CHI48EY</a> 2.) Make the air pushing things a little more obvious. Occasionally, I saw the winds and wondered what direction they went. They were mostly intuitive but occasionally I wondered what direction they went in. 3.) Decrease flying demon height above Talia by a tiny but. It's really hard to hit them :) I mostly just run away. I also have a question, when it comes to the consoles will there be any explanation as to why everything and everyone simple attacks Talia on sight and tries to have sex with her? I know it seems silly to wonder that but when playing I was questioning it. Edit: I accidentally hit enter instead of shift+enter at the start


1) We plan to do that :) 2) You can see the vents on the walls/ceiling/floor, and the wind always goes away from the vents, as they're vents so they're "venting" air, expelling it etc. :P 3) The flying demons generally rise/fall depending on where Talia is at, but it's delayed, so you have time to get the jump on them. That said, you can hit them with one charge shot when they swoop and then yeah, that takes care of them. 4) This'll be explained in the electricity level, yep :) there's an actual reason behind it, haha.


I did try the charged shot, yes. As far as getting stuck, I believe I somehow got crammed between an elevator and a wall, and the elevator pushed me into the wall enough to where I could jump. The wall had a top ending in a platform, so I couldn't get out of the map. Collision otherwise seemed to be working correctly.


Hate to say it but I don't see any improvements from the original demo. The monsters are the same, nothing new has been added aside from a charge mechanic and level maps. I will hold off final calls until the 15th out of respect to the game and how good it is right now, but I don't think what we were just shown justifies several months of work and 40 bucks from my wallet yet.


I've been having an issue with all available demos where I can't move. When the level starts, the character runs as far to the left as possible. Pressing H to stun the character results in the character moving to the right. When the character recovers, she runs back to the left of the screen. EDIT: I forgot to mention that I can do anything but move.


To clarify again, this is what was added in this demo; to say that there are no improvements is honestly quite an exaggeration, haha. The 15th demo will make the demo superior to the old one from a few months ago in every way, visually, audibly, gameplay-wise, etc. (Remember, we're trying to make a complete game, so EVERYTHING, every aspect of the game gets equal treatment, not just the porn animations at the forefront.) That said, here's what was added since the last demo; - Lava pits now replace bottomless pits for better visibility/functionality - Scrapped all the old maps besides 5 of them that were heavily modified for this demo, then did 25 brand new maps - Added in props for more visual variety (guardrails, electrical boxes, crates, that sort of thing) - 5 new databanks added and previous databanks re-arranged in order - Steam vents added, which blow Talia around/keep her from entering certain areas; you’ll need to flip switches in some maps to turn them on/off, so basically mini-puzzles (but nothing annoying or boring) - Talia’s firing abilities heavily changed; she now has a running shot, a jumping shot, and her “three-stage shot” has been reworked into a charge shot, giving her overall much more mobility/fluidity - All enemies in the game now have different HP amounts, making them more easier to deal with on a one by one basis; to accommodate for this, maps now have more enemies on average - No more “dead end” rooms; there is only one path to go through the game in general, but most of the maps now are much larger and feature a variety of ways to get from point A to point B, but again without confusion on where to go to finish the demo. - As such, all databanks are in main rooms now, but you’ll have to explore a bit to find them/get access to them. - General engine improvements/changes/bug fixes ===================== The thing you have to realize is, programming in a lot of this stuff takes a LOT of work. Again, this isn't RPG Maker, this game's coded in C++ from the ground up, and genuine platformer games are ridiculously difficult to code, which is why there are so few of them out there that are decent quality. The vents, for example, have to calculate the physics of Talia, conflicting vent pressure, the gravity, collisions, enemy physics, etc; none of that is "already done" for Cheshire like how it might be in something like say, Construct. The reason we're going down this path of C++ is because it allows us much more freedom in the final game to basically program in whatever we want, without a hefty game engine layered on top of our own game engine weighing everything down. Additionally, Cheshire was unable to work on the game at all for a month minimum while he was homeless, and there were times before that where he was having accidents with his health condition, got in a car accident, etc. Most of that is over though so game progress should be moving a lot smoother. ===================== Just so you know too, this is what will be in the demo on the 15th: - Boss added with two sex animations (one of them having multiple phases) - Boss room with unique background/tiles/mechanics added - Cutscenes added (one with Mage B getting fucked and one with an injured soldier possible sex scene, depending on your choices), so a total of 4 new sex animations for this demo - Over 50 spoken voice lines added for cutscenes/boss scene from Amisakadarthana and MegaMoeka - Adding in all these new SFX; Squishy sex noises from penetration Cumshot noise Pelvic slapping sound Squirting noise (pussy) Squirting noise (milk from tits) Heavy footsteps (berserker running) Flamethrower (grunt) Wings flapping (half-demon) Fireball shot (half-demon) Shuffling/dragging feet (zombie) Swipe (zombie) Regular projectiles (new sound) (talia) Charge projectile (new sound) (talia) Lava spurting/bubbling/sparking when something falls in it Mystical transformation sound (boss cutscene) Stretching a rubbery object sound (boss cutscene) Cumdrip sound (boss cutscene) Two squishy objects rubbing each other (boss cutscene) Body hitting the ground (talia when knocked out) More SFX for charging/holding a charge to make it more obvious Berserker Roar Boss Roar ===================== Now, if you still feel that the demo isn't up to par, you're of course free to stop pledging to the game and I'll refund the last month or so of money. (I can't give full refunds due to the way Patreon's website works.) But honestly, making games takes time, and the largest time-sink thus far has been building the engine for the game. We aren't going to take 6+ months for every level; we took this long so that future levels can be cranked out in half the time at most because we'll have most of the engine complete, and we plan to use this engine for future games (like the sequel) as well.


Are you using a controller? If you are, are you holding any directions before you start? And what OS are you running, and are you running any other programs? Are you on a North American keyboard or a european/asian (Japanese, Chinese, etc.) keyboard?


So, obvious grain-of-salt disclaimer, all feedback at this point is based on a snapshot of the game (duh), and if you have "solutions" built-in later in the game, that sounds great :) The option to switch between different versions of charged shots sounds intriguing, though I hope keeping track of an additional button doesn't add too much complexity. The game is basically jump and shoot right now, so I can't imagine a third button would be too cumbersome, but it is something to keep in mind. What you say about keeping the difficulty at a rather tame level so that people can actually see everything in the demo makes a lot of sense, and that's one thing that's easy to forget as a tester when we're not privy to the overall plan for the game. You do an awesome job of communicating - I've really appreciated the dialogue we've had since this demo was released :) Keep up the good work!


I tried using a Razer Sabertooth (Xbox 360 controller) to play and was not holding ANY buttons before starting the level or game. I'm running Windows 10 (go figure) on a Razer Blade Pro 2014 which uses a North American keyboard. Razer Synapse 2.0 is usually running alongside at all times but I went into task manager and stopped every process possible that is related to Synapse. I also usually have Skype, Steam, and Google Chrome open at all times. I've tried using another keyboard entirely and that didn't work either.


Highly likely it's Windows 10, I've heard pretty much nonstop stuff about it breaking games, I'm going to post about it on ULMF to get confirmation etc. Thanks for bringing this to our attention! Guaranteed at least, once we move the game to C++ after this demo, all should be well.


Well, as clarification, when you beat each boss, you'll get a new powerup with utility attached to it (a fire dash, an ice shot that turns enemies into temporary platforms, a double jump with electricity that does damage in an AoE around you, etc.) and later on to access the databanks you'll have to utilize the utility of all of those skills, sometimes in tandem, to be able to get to them. :P That said, of course we'll test it to make sure it feels natural rather than cumbersome, etc. Thanks a lot for the praise; it's nice to know most of you appreciate we're really working our asses off on this, and that we ARE open to critique and fixing/changing things, it just takes time because we want to really, really make sure this game is quality, etc.


Thanks for the info. A lot of the improvements this demo are less noticeable, and the air turbines made for some interesting platforming (nothing new but I don't mind working for my porn). The next demo sounds like it will silence some of my criticisms, mostly what I am looking for are more enemies.


I'm running Windows 10 and using a standard Microsoft Xbox 360 controller - works fine for me.


I'd like to clarify as well - everything that you're describing sounds great and intuitive, and a few extra buttons/moves/features doesn't intimidate me, but there'll always be a segment of your fans that whines about the game being too hard, or too complicated... :p


Yeah, it's like a lot of this is engine-building, so that we can get out future levels faster, instead of building the engine as we go, and then running into redos on the engine and taking an eternity on EVERY level, etc.

Derrick Seet

Hey just wondering, when is the audio zip going to be released?


I usually send it out by this time each month to everyone through emails, but as we're slamming to get this demo done, yeah, haha.


I'm also running Windows 10 and have experienced zero issues using a keyboard as well as both an Xbox One and PlayStation 4 controller.


I'm really loving the game so far, I downloaded the demo today and I gotta say so far I'm really enjoying the animation, the game plays very well for keyboards, keep up the good work!!